The Cage

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There was one thing Sophie has decided from her three years of being in the Lost cities and that was: being kidnapped sucks.

Sophie has been in the same, stupid cell for three days. Chains wrapped around her ankles and wrists to prevent her from getting up from her uncomfortable wooden chair. A blindfold was placed over her eyes and a cloth tied her mouth so she she couldn't speak.

She had kept track of all the bad things that had happened in the last month:

1. Keefe went into a coma

2. Oralie was her mom

3. Keefe didn't want to see her

4. She got in trouble for burning down the Neverseen warehouse

5. Keefe ran away

6. She caught Fitz and Linh kissing

7. She got kidnapped

Sophie was still in shock about Keefe. When she went to go tell Fitz and Biana, she caught Linh and Fitz kissing.

After seeing that, she had run away from her bodyguards to go cry in the woods when she got kidnapped. Lucky her.

The Neverseen were mad about the warehouse. Not to mention when Sophie told them she didn't know where Keefe was, they didn't believe her and tortured her by burning her for hours.

Sophie lungs felt as raw as the skin they just burnt off from all the screaming she had done.

They hadn't come back since the first day they interrogated her and she hoped that meant they had come to their senses and realized she didn't know where Keefe was.

It wasn't until the next day that she realized they still didn't believe her when she heard doors open. 

"This should get you to talk."


Keefes pov

Keefe was only in the forbidden cities for a day when he got an imparter call. He hesitated to answer it at first but remembered Grady's promise of emergencies only and picked up.

"Hello?" He asked, not sure what else to say.

"Keefe! It's Sophie, she was- yesterday, at Everglen- they were- she was-" Gradys eyes were crazy, he looked like he had been crying. Behind him was lots of yelling and crying.

"What? What happened to Sophie?" Keefe asked, already panicking.

"She was-" Grady broke down in sobs before he could finish, shoving the imparter in someone's hands. Bronte showed up-surprisingly-, looking at Keefe pityingly.

"Sophie was kidnapped last night. For your safety, we need you to stay where you are hiding. We have reason to believe the Neverseen were after you."

"WHAT? No! If they're after me I'll trade myself in for Sophie and they'll let her go!" Keefe couldn't feel the tears leaking down his cheeks as Bronte shook his head.

"I'm sorry." And the call ended, leaving Keefe alone in hysteria.


Sophie couldn't breath. A blindfold covered her eyes and a cloth covered her mouth, muffling her screams as a hand burnt her.

"Where is Keefe Sencen?" Sophie tried to choke out a response but she couldn't talk. A growl of frustration was heard.

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