prisoner freedom(p.4)

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I scraped another tally mark on the wall by my bed. I've been here for eleven days. My only entertainment was throwing small pebbles at the guards.

There have only been three so far, they all switch off every once in a while so they can sleep.

No one else has come by yet so I assume the Black Swan plans on leaving me in here for eternity.

I've been stuck in these clothes for so long without a shower, I'm surprised the guards haven't let me wash myself for their own sake.

Keefe was right though, I've been hurt less in here than I have ever been in the Neverseen. The Black Swan don't seem to torture their prisoners like we do.

I sigh as I lay back down. My thigh had somewhat healed by now and the scrapes had scabbed over and soon faded.

The bruise on my face was starting to heal, but it looked like it would be there for a while longer. The bruise on my side, however, hasn't faded or started to heal at all. The dark purple and greenish outlining covered most of the left side of my body.

"Get up against the wall." The guard ordered. 

I didn't argue as I pressed my back to the hard wall. The guard unlocks the door and walks in. She turns me around, places a blindfold over my eyes, and grabs the cuffs. I grunt as she shoves me forward. 

"Let's go."

She continued shoving me until we stopped somewhere. The blindfold is taken off and I almost want to scream with happiness when I see a shower. 

It was just a bigger bathroom, but I would have killed to have this in my cell with me, literally. 

"You have ten minutes. Don't try anything or I'll shoot you, understand?" I nod eagerly. I wasn't going to try anything, I couldn't. I didn't have any weapons and she had a gun. Plus, I had no clue where I was or how to get out.

She uncuffed me and stepped out of the room. I turned on the water and started to undress. When I get in the shower, everything I need is in there, soap, shampoo, and conditioner. I take my time letting the hot water stream down my body and wash away everything.

Unfortunately, my delight shortly ended when the guard knocked on the door, giving me a five-minute warning.

I get out and dry myself with the white towel, Putting on the sweatpants and shirt they offered.

I brush out my wet hair and clear off the mirror with my hand, jumping at my reflection. I had barely looked in the mirror while in my cell but now I realized I should have. Not only do I look horrible, but my eyes are showing. My brown eyes.

I used an exilar when I went on the mission but that must have worn off after the day had ended. Did anyone see them?

It didn't matter much now. They already knew who I was somehow. Besides, I'm going to be stuck here for a long time, there's no point in hiding it.

The guard knocked, coming in before I could respond. Jeez, what if I wasn't dressed? 

She put back on my handcuffs and blindfold then back out and led me to where I thought was back to my cell but when the blindfold was once again taken off, I was surprised to see Keefe, Fork man, and some other people standing and sitting in a room.

They all looked up at me. Who were these people? What did they want?

The guard lady sat me down on one of the singular sofas roughly.

They all stared at me, watching my every move. 

"Ms. Foster, good to see you again." I flinched at the name again. I don't like that name. I go by Moonlark, nothing else.

"Wish I could say the same. What do you need me for now?"

"Well, it's more like what you need." I gave him a bark of laughter.

"What I need? Oh yes, tell me what I need from you." I looked at him, smirking but his expression remained grim.

"One of our members was captured by the Neverseen last week. We tried to exchange you for him but..."

"Let me guess, they didn't take the deal? I told you they wouldn't, I'm not sure why you're surprised."

"Well, yes, but since they said no, we had no choice but to break in and take our member back and while we were there, we came across some files." These pauses are going to be the death of me.

"What files?" I asked lazily. They couldn't be anything important or the Neverseen wouldn't have had them lying around.

"They had your information inside and while we were looking around, we also found some recordings."

They must be talking about Vesperas recordings and data when she was doing tests on me. instinctively, my hand rubbed my arm where various needles were put.

"Ms. Foster, we understand now that the Neverseen were torturing you and want to let you know they can't find you here and you're safe. We would like you to work with us when you're ready."

"The Neverseen was only preparing me for your guy's torture, which was apparently for nothing since your only form of torture is not letting me take a shower- though I must say, that was good." I threw my legs over the side of the chair and let my head hang off on the other side.

"Ms. Foster, I've seen the recordings. They were using you and I understand this must be hard to comprehend so from now on, you won't be staying here. We want you to be somewhere more comfortable." I raise an eyebrow for him to explain.

"Since your situation is different, you'll be staying at Everglen. You'll still be watched, but you'll also be protected."

Protected from who? The Neverseen? I don't understand why they think I'm just some tortured traumatized little girl all of a sudden when I willingly stayed with the Neverseen for my whole life, but I didn't argue. This could be a chance to escape.

"We still have to watch the recordings, if you're okay with it and we want you to be there for any questions. You can say no, of course, just let us know." The girl with brown hair said.

I cross my arms. "Whatever."

I don't feel comfortable with them watching me be weak and tortured, especially with me I'm in the same room as them, but I said yes anyway.


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