watch closely (9)

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hiiiii! so, just a little warning, there is some strong language in this chapter...enjoyyy :)

I spend the rest of my day in this ridiculously gigantic bedroom, thinking about the morning. 

Why would I tell him that? Why would he make me tell him that? 

If Keefe kept pushing questions like that, I think I'd rather go back to my jail cell. When we first made this deal I didn't consider how deep Keefe might be willing to go with his questions. 

Maybe this was his form of torture for me. Making me spill every feeling, thought, and memory to him until there was nothing about me he didn't know. I bet he knew how uncomfortable this would have made me from the start. 

I wonder if he knew about some of these things already since they had my files and all this was just to mess with my head. 

I wonder if Keefe had the same plan as I did: try and get close with the enemy to make them trust you and then use them. His whole plan of asking me questions about myself was probably just a part of his plan for me to grow closer to him and get me to tell him all the Neverseens secrets. 

Well nice try Keefe Sencen, but it'll never work. 

I think about different ways to get back at Keefe, to break out of this place, and how to take down the Black Swan because I refuse to think about the alternative: Amy. 

I shake my head before the memories and the tears start again. The Neverseen taught me that thinking about the past would never do any good and that crying about the past would never be useful. Or crying at all. 

Why was Keefe digging up old, stupid memories anyway? That has nothing to do with anything. Well... maybe a few things, but not much. 

I want to scream and sob and punch that Keefe Sencen all at once but I force myself to stay curled up in the ball position I've kept for the past... however long it's been because none of those options were helpful.

I don't know how long I was curled up in the chair, staring blankly at the floor when a knock came at the door. I looked up for once and was shocked at how dark it had gotten already. 

"Sophie? Are you in there?" I don't recognize the voice, but I'm relieved that it isn't the Sencen boy again. 

Oh shit. I look a mess, don't I? Quickly, I lock the door quietly using my telekinesis so no one can burst in here and get up from the chair and go into the bathroom. I almost jump at the reflection. The braid Ms. Frilly Princess put together is ruined, loose with pieces sticking out. My face is red and puffy. My eyelashes are wet and clumped together. 

I hate this. I hate how pathetic I look. I hate how vulnerable I feel. most of all, I hate that it was him who did this to me.

I want to make him pay for this, to get him back in some way, but in most ways here, I am completely and totally powerless. 

The person knocks on the door and I can hear them call my name again before they call out to the guards standing near my door. They must think I've escaped. Which doesn't sound like an awful plan at this point. But staying here is my best way back to the Neverseen. The only way they'd take me back is if I bring information to them. If I leave now, the black swan will have an even harder time trusting me and I'd have nowhere to go in the end.

So, I rinse my face with freezing cold water, take out the braid, let my hair fall in waves, and smooth the wrinkles in this idiotic tunic before I calmly walk over to the door, where I can hear a few people trying to get the door open now. I unlock the door and open it a bit too quickly so the two people pressed up against the door fall right at my feet. 

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