Stuck p.2

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I've been here for a week, at least. I'm positive I'm going to die here. I have no food, no water, nothing. I've been in and out of consciousness for who know how long.

My first hallucination was yesterday. I'm not sure what's real anymore, which way is which. The only thing I can understand in the pain in my stomach and burning of my tongue and throat. I'm not sure if I can go to sleep again with waking up. I can't even cry anymore. My body refuses to function correctly, not even the Neverseen members I know aren't here can't get me to get up. I take another slow, painful breath.

What's the point of this anymore? No one's coming. I'm stuck here, I should save myself from the agony of the rest of these hallucinations and pain and just let myself go now.

I let out a dry sob, scraping my throat from the simple action. I want to get up, need to get up but I can feel it. My body's too weak, it's shutting down.

Please. If anyone can hear me, I need help. I can't stay here any longer, I think... I drifted off before I could finish. My eyes are half closed and I can't feel anything else but pain. I almost let my eyes close when there was a light and I forced them to stay open, just for one more second.

Hold on. The voice wasn't mine. I would have cried in relief if I had anymore tears to give. It could be a hallucination, it could be a side affect of being on the bride of death, but it was there and that's all I needed right now.

You can do this.

I don't know whose voice this is, but if I ever find them, I'll happily die for them. I need to get up. I need to leave. I need to get out.

I closed my eyes tightly, imagining the lush fields of Havenfeild once more. All I wanted was to go back home. I give all my strength, all my happiness, all my anger, anything I had as I stretch out my consciousness towards the image.

I need to go home.

A blinding light shone somewhere I couldn't see, then consumed everything. Next thing I know, I'm back on Havenfields cliffs. I would have jumped up and down in happiness, or at least run inside but my eyes suddenly felt heavy and my legs suddenly couldn't support my body any longer.

With one last look toward Havenfeild, I fell, once again off the cliffs. And this time...

I didn't teleport.

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