The Orphanage

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Sophie stumbled down the cold, hard floors with her bare feet to her bed as quickly as she could. The floors were dimly lit by the moon though the small windows up high on the walls, much to high up for anyone to reach and to small for anyone but a baby to escape from.

I jumped up on my plain, white bed, struggling to get on. The bed was small and narrow, making me certain that would be much to big for it when I grew to be older. Barely anyone got much sleep in the uncomfortable beds. I swear I can sleep easier on the floor than these cold, hard beds that made my small back ache. They were also quite tall, making it hard for my eight year old self to climb on.

Everyone slept in the same room. The beds were lined up on the walls and in the middle of the room, hardly giving anyone any space to move. The only space we had to keep their stuff was under their bed, not that anyone had much to keep. Everyone was given a tooth brush and paste, a hair brush, and a new change of clothes. That was pretty much all we were aloud to keep, unless you had medicine.

Any toy, necklace, picture, or item that was left with a kid was to be burned. Miss Alina said it was so we wouldn't have any emotional attachment to the people who had given us up and that we didn't deserve anything from them.

I stared at the ceiling as I lay there quietly, waiting for morning. I glance at everyone to make sure their alseep before I pull out Ella, my blue elephant with a Hawian shirt. I managed to hide her ever since I found it, waiting for me with my things under my bed one night.

If Miss Alina were to ever find her, I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to burn Ella and severely punish me for my actions.

I grip Ella tighter just from the thought. I've gotten many punishments from my time here. Everyone has. I try to follow the rules, but sometimes I can't help it. There's too many to follow.

Don't speak. Be dressed and ready on time. Do what is asked of you. No jumping. No skipping. No friends. No mention of family. No non-school related questions. Don't wear anything other than what is given to you. No shoes are worn inside. Keep your hair out of your face. Stand straight. Have all homework and chores done before bedtime.

There's much, much more. Too many to keep count. Miss Alina and her workers are very harsh with their punishment as well.

Once I was caught drawing on the property with a school pencil and Miss Alina made me engrave the same doodle on my hand with a newly sharpened pencil. The scar was not pretty, considering the amount of blood that poured out covered it so I could barely see what I was drawing, but it did turn out somewhat like a star shape.

That was only one of the punishments.

I shivered as I stuffed Ella back into the rip of the mattress under my bed that I made years ago to keep Ella safe.

The people here were just as bad. They bullied me constantly, making fun of my weird brown eyes that no one else has. Hitting me. Stealing my food. Making fun of me.

Their new favorite thing was to throw dead animals at me. I assume they got the idea when they saw me talking and feeding a small mouse. The poor mouse was dead because of me.

I usually stay quite. I keep my head down and do as I'm told. I tell myself i just have to wait six more years until I can get out. Until I can be free, but I know its not true. I'll be sent off, cuffed and put to work as a servant.

They only call this place an orphanage to cover up what their really doing. Not like everyone doesn't know.

They keep us here until we're fourteen. Then, we are tested to see if we have any abilities, for most people with them manifest around that age.

If you don't have any powers, you're free. You can go. But if you do have powers, you get sent to some place to work.

People don't like the powers. They say its dangerous, forbidden. That's why they created ability restrictors that they put on our wrists, to stop our powers.

Everyone hopes they'll never manifest, so they can be free.

That's my problem, I already manifested.

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