The Orphanage p.5

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I looked away as they put the needle in my arm. I used to think it would hurt a lot as a kid but over the years I've become more accustomed to pain. The scary part wasn't the pain, it was the results.

I didn't pay attention to what they were doing. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. There's only one way this will turn out. I've known it since I was five, this has been the day I've dreaded my whole life.

I opened my eyes when the women cleared her throat. "State your full name." I was surprised when she asked me this. I never get to speak aloud.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster." My voice sounded quiet and timid.

She asked me basic questions about myself before she asked the question.

"Have you manifested any sort of power?" She didn't look up from the clip board where she was writing down things, but the man was staring me down like I was the most interesting thing in the world.

"No." I voice squeaked with the lie, but she didn't seem to notice as she continued.

"Are there any signs of you not being human?" 


"That's all the questions, you can get back to what you were doing and the results will be here later today." My shoulders dropped in relief as Ms. Alina opened the door and I was led out and back down the hallway. 

"Go help Ms. Vespera pack and load things in her car. You can get your things when you are leaving, I already had one of the girls put a bag on your bed. Now leave." 

I turn into a different hall that led to Ms. Vesperas room. The cold, grey walls were intimidating as I made my way to her door.

I knocked on her door lightly, standing up straight as she opened the door.

"Look over the place for anything I left behind, put everything in the black bag and clean up. Make me breakfast first though, if you continue to be late we're going to have a problem. Although that won't be much of an issue since you will be living with me by tomorrow."

The reminder was unneeded. 

I quickly put together a breakfast for her and looked everywhere for anything she left behind while she ate. 

Miss Vespera gave me chores to do all day, by the time there was a knock on the door, I had cleaned every inch of the room from top to bottom.

Miss Vespera opened to door and I could hear a mans voice talking to her in a hushed tone. I walked over towards the door to get a better look at what was happening. 

I noticed the old man from this morning, in the testing room. 

"This man needs to speak with you. You may leave but come right back after to help me load up my bags. We will leave after." By "helping her load her bags," she means I'll do all the work while she barks more orders at me.

I walked out the door with the man silently and follow him back to the testing room. No one was outside this time and when we walked in, the lady was no longer there either. 

"I'm here to give you your results on the test." I figured as much, but my throat still closed up and my heart beat faster.

"you are human. You have manifested no abilities and didn't lie during your test. You'll still be sent to Miss Vesperas home to help her as she has requested assistance. I will help you go back and take you back with Miss Vespera."


I wiped my face clean of any surprised expression. this guy must be joking with me... but if hes not then I'm sure as hell not going to be the one correcting him.

I wait for him to start laughing and tell me was a freak. Any reaction at all, really but he kept the same neutral and bored look that he had before.

"Lets get going before Miss Vespera starts to wonder where you are." I stood up, somewhat in a faze. 

How is this possible? Am I insane? No, I manifested as a telepath when I was five... right?

He guided me to the bed room and followed me over to my bed. 


How am I supposed to smuggle Ella when hes looking over my shoulder the whole time?

I bend down to get the stuff under my bed and to my surprise, he bends down next to me.

"We don't have much time so I'm going to make this quick. I lied about your test results, you're not human. I wanted to tell you in the testing room but this is the only room that I positive doesn't have cameras hidden somewhere. I'm not going to tell anyone, I'm here to help you escape. My name in Mr. Forkle and I work for and organization called the Black Swan that helps people like you stay safe. Follow my lead and don't say a word, nod if you understand."

Maybe I really am crazy.

Wait, what did he just say? That was a hallucination right? No way that was real. Nope. Uh uh. Impossible. I'm going insane.

"Miss Foster, I need you to stop staring at me and nod if you understand. We don't have much time left." I nod, still not believing this was reality. 

"Good, get everything and meet me at the door." 

I numbly shove everything in the small bag (and I got away with Ella) and walked over to the door. I pinched myself, to confirm that I wasn't really dreaming. 

I wasn't.

I met the old man- er, Mr. Forkle at the door way. He led me down familiar hallways and down a case of stairs until we were met with a set of large doors, guarded by two people. 

I kept my head down as Mr. Forkle had a short conversation with them and they scanned some card he had. They open the doors for us and I was hit with instant brightness that made me squint. 

I never realized how dim and dark it was in the orphanage, but now that I'm outside, I feels like everything just got a hundred times brighter.

I felt Mr. Forkles wrinkly hand take mine and walk at a slow pace to a place I couldn't see, as my eyes were still adjusting to the light.. All I could tell was that we were walking on a paved pathway.

By the time I could almost open my eyes fully, which must have been at least five minutes, we ended up at a gate, where two more people were stationed.

"I'm here to take this one to the village. She was tested negatively for any abilities today. Our ride should be here any second." Mr. Forkle said.


"Errol Forkle and Sophie Foster."

"Sophie Foster is supposed to be going with Miss Vespera today. We have her marked off on the list already." I could see the boys eyes narrow in suspicion. I gulped, this is it. I'm going to be taken back in there and be tested on like a science experiment for the rest of my short life. 

"Miss Vespera gave orders to take her to the village first and meet her there. Shes done with all her chores and needs new things for her stay at her new home. I can come back with Miss Vespera herself if you need confirmation, but I must warn you she is not in a good mood today."

The guard seemed to be debating with himself, but when he looked at the other boy blocking the gate with him, he nodded and opened the tall gate for us.

I stumbled out, not believing I was finally escaping this horrid place.

As if on cue, a carriage being led by two black horses appeared on the straight road leading away from the orphanage, so far I couldn't see where the road ended.

Eventually, the carriage stopped in front of us. Mr. Forkle opened the door for me, letting me get in first and getting in after me. He gave a wave to the guards, who weren't even looking at him then shut the door.

"Here we go." He muttered.


I really want to make this one into a main story but I know I'll never finish it. I might just do it anyway. Happy holidays if you celebrate and I'm sorry this chapter was so confusing. I just realize how dark all my stories are. Why can't I write anything happy?

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