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warning: this chapter includes underage drinking, blood and suggests forced mature themes 

I applied the gloss to my lips, rubbing them together as I checked over myself in the mirror. The pink silky material stuck to my body, ending at my mid thigh. It showed off the curves I didn't even know I had a little too much. it scrunched up naturally, making it look less professional and more... party like? I'm not sure if I'll be cold with the spagetti straps so picked up a black leather jacket on my way out, along with my black purse.

"Bye, love you!" I called out as I went to open the front door but a hand caught my arm.

"Ah ah, not so fast young lady. Rules- one, no drinking anything but water. Two, stick with someone you know at all times. Three, be home by eleven. Four, If no one can drive you, call me or you mom and we will pick you up. Five, do not wonder away from the house."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes dad, this is only the hundredth time you've told me."

He gave me his "dad look," making me laugh. "Relax, I'll be fine. It's only a couple hours."

I gave him a hug and left, yelling a quick "I love you" to mom on my way out.

I shut the door and grinned as I saw my friends waiting in the car. Fitz was driving since he as the "responsible one." Everyone was squished inside. Fitz in the drivers seat, Keefe in the passengers seat, Tam sitting on the left side, with Linh sitting on his lap and Dex in the middle, leaving me the right side in the back for me.

"Hurry up, Foster! We're going to be late!" I laughed and ran to the car, hoping in. I buckled my seat belt as Fitz sped off.

Dex nudged me and I looked over. He raised his eyebrows, gesturing at my outfit. I snorted and hit his arm with the back of my hand playfully.

The music from the radio blasted loudly in my ears, which usually annoyed me but for some reason, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

Tonight is Bianas party. It's the first one I've been to in awhile. After Biana begging me to come for weeks at school, I finally agreed to come now that the stress of school is over for now.

I played with one of the the many rings on my fingers. I put on plenty of necklaces, rings and bracelets for today, I even put on some earrings.

We arrived at Everglen soon and we all hopped out. We walked up to the door, where Fitz open it and let us all in.

The sound of blasting music I could hear from outside hit me as I walked in, along with the heavy smelly of wine. People were gathered around everywhere, making it hard to move around in the tight space.

"Soph!" A voice called from somewhere in the crowd. I looked around until I saw Biana running towards me.

"Ohhhh looking hot!" I blushed and gave her a hug.

"Thanks, I wanted to try something new." I brushed my curled hair off my face to get a better look at Biana.

She was wearing a sparkly purple top and jean shorts with a black belt. Her hair was back in a french braid, reaching all the way down to her waist.

"You look really good too." I smiled and she took my hand.

"Come on, I'll show you where the games are."

After just a hour and a half, I understood why I've never came to any of these parties.

Currently, I was switching out another cup of alcohol one of my friends gave me for water from he sink. I didn't want to seem weak to everyone, so I accepted all the drinks of beer anyone gave me and then snuck away, rinsed the cup out, then filled it with water and pretended to have great control with alcohol.

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