I failed (p.3)

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I woke up in a bed that reminded me of my own, but this wasn't the Neverseen. My hands were cuffed. I bolted up as I remembered what happened. 

I failed.

I must be in one of the Black Swan's prisons. 

The cell was surprisingly a decent size. It had a bed in the corner with some space in the rest of it. There was a door that led to a shockingly not completely disgusting bathroom that had a mirror above the sink. Other than the somewhat dirty walls and cell door that reminded me of a cage, the place wasn't absolutely terrible.

I sat back down on the bed. My hair kept falling in my face, annoying me, but I gave up trying to tuck it behind my ear. My clothes hadn't changed-other then my cloak being taken away, but my hair was taken down.

It seemed like hours before I heard footsteps coming from outside the cell. A boy appeared with a wrinkly old man that looked like a human. There was a goblin guard behind them.

"Do you recognize her?" The old man asked, tilting his head at me like I was some zoo animal exhibit, which to them, I probably was.

"No, she doesn't look familiar." The boy said. I looked over at him but tried not to make it noticeable.

He looked familiar. Like I had seen him before somewhere, but I couldn't place where.

"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. We'll have to interrogate her." I didn't even blink at his words. I knew this was coming, the Neverseen had been preparing me for this ever since I was little. The Black Swan would never be able to break me.

I stayed sitting down as the old man unlocked the door.

"Hello, Sophie." I froze up at my name. No one in the Neverseen uses my real name, only code. "I just want to ask a few questions." 

I expected him to try and take me to another room to torture me or at least take out a knife but he just stood by the door with the boy calmly.

"My name is Mr. Forkle and this is Keefe Sencen." I perked up at the name. That's where I  recognized him from. 

"You're Lady Giselas son?" 

Keefe smirked at me. "The one and only."

"Then what are you doing with the Black Swan?" I asked. Lady Gisela sometimes talked about how she had a "plan for him and his legacy" or whatever.

"That's what we want to talk to talk to you about, Ms. Foster. I brought Mr. Sencen here because he used to be in the Neverseen. I'll leave you two to talk now." Mr. Forkle left but the guard remained.

"I'm not a spy to come here and save you, if that's what you're thinking. I left the Neverseen because I realized how evil they were."

"No, I know you're not with them, the Neverseen wouldn't try to save me now." I leaned my back against the wall and tucked my knees to my chest.

"Here's a more comfortable change of clothes." He sets down the clothes on the end of the small bed and I snort.

"Very funny." He looked confused so I rolled my eyes and raised my cuffed hands.

"Oh, I could ask Forklenator to unlock those." There's no possible way the Black Swan would be stupid enough to do that but I don't argue.

"So are you going to get this over with or what?" 

"Well Foster, it all began when you were a small child-" I held up my hand, stopping him.

"What is this? I thought you were going to torture me or at least try to get me on your side?" I say.

"Torture you? Foster, no one here wants to hurt you. Well, maybe Gigantor, but that's because you beat him and his girlfriend up. And I'm trying to tell you why you should join the Neverseen and you would understand if you would just listen." I narrowed my eyes but allowed him to continue.

"As I was saying, when you were a small child, so young, so little, so- get to the point," I growled.

"Fine fine, just don't interrupt me this time." I rolled my eyes again at him.

"Basically, you were originally with the Black Swan when you were little because they genetically modified you to be the strongest elf ever, they hid you in the forbidden cities until the Neverseen found you when you were five and kidnapped you. We're not sure about anything that happened after that... so maybe you could fill us in?" I stared at him blankly for a second before I burst out laughing.

"You know I already knew all of that right? Don't make the Black swan sound so high and mighty for experimenting on a child. The Neverseen were protecting me from that."

"You don't care that they kidnapped you or about anything else they've done?"

I laughed again. "They didn't kidnap me, I went willingly, and let me assure you, everything else we've done, I was most likely a part of."

Keefe raised his brow as if he expected this to work. "You really don't care? You're not even curious?"

"I know everything I need to. I'm with the Neverseen and that's final."

"Even if they're not coming back for you?" He challenged.

"That was my fault, not theirs. I'll die before I give you even a word of information."

I felt Keefe staring at me. I wasn't going to change my mind. The Neverseen may not be the best, but they're better than the Black Swan and at the end of the day, they are the ones who raised me. 

Keefe sighed and got up, he left, locking the door behind him and whispering something to the goblin before he started walking in the same direction as the Fork man went, leaving me all alone in the cell.

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