kotlc/Renegades crossover

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Sophie Foster sat on her chair, crayons spread out neatly in color order. Her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth in concentration as she scribbled on her paper. Smiling, Sophie put her crayons away and held up her art up to fully appreciate her masterpiece.

Grinning, she ran over to her parents. They were sitting at their table in the kitchen. Her dad was working on a bracelet with his metal manipulation. Her mom was working in the kitchen, making a grilled cheese for Amy, Sophie's little sister.

Sophie didn't like Amy very much. All she did was cry, scream, eat, and sleep. Not much of the last one though.

"Mom! Dad! Look what I drew!" Sophie has always liked drawing. Her parents liked her drawing too. Sophie has a feeling it was because it was a "normal activity". What Sophie really liked was reading and studying. She's loved learning new things since she was little, that probably explained why she was so smart for someone her age.

"That looks great soybean, go wash your hands so mom can make you a sandwich, okay?"

Sophie scowled at the nickname but nodded eagerly at the thought of a sandwich, running down the small hall to the bathroom.

Sophie's family never had much to eat or much of anything for that matter. Her dad tried to make money by making his bracelets, but she could tell it wasn't going well.

Turning on the sink Sophie started to scrub her hands with the small, orange bar soap they had. Drying off her hands, she ran down the hall again.

"No, please!" Sophie stopped at the end of her hall. Her mom was standing in the kitchen, sobbing.

Sophie was about to walk in when she heard a gun shot.


Gasping Sophie scrabbled into the small closet beside her carefully shutting it.

It's okay, the renegades will come.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Sophie heard her moms sobs grow louder, more desperate. Amy started crying and screaming along with her.


Her mom sobs were silenced, but Amy was still screaming and crying.

The renegades will come, it will be okay.

Amy continued crying for a 42 seconds, yes she counted.

The renegades will come. The renegades will come. The renegades will come.


Sophie's eyes snapped open as Amy's cry's stopped.

No. The renegades have to come. They... they were supposed to come. That have to come.

Silence crept around the small apartment and Sophie willed her breathing to be quiet.

268 seconds later, Sophie heard loud footsteps. She squeezed her eyes shut and curled herself into a ball as her panic grew.

The renegades will come.

The door opened and there was a gasp. Sophie shakily looked up when she didn't hear another shot.

To her surprise, her uncle was towering above her. Letting out the breath she had been holding, Sophie ran to go hug him.

"Uncle Brant!" Sophie ran over to hug him.

"Come on little one, lets get out of here."

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