Mission Completed

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I tied up my boots as I headed out. Not out the door, as you may be thinking, out the window. Its the only place my fabulous five body guards don't watch like a hawk every second. 

I slide out my already open window, silently falling into the void. 

I think of where I want to go, landing there immediately. 

I've done enough research to know the front entrance is trapped, lined with sensors and cameras.

They have their own way to get in, once again an illusion. I feel against the brick wall until my hand isn't touching the rough brink anymore, instead going straight though it. I smirk, walking forward without hesitation. 

There's only two guards blocking the door I'm led to.

"Hey! Who are you?" I don't bother to answer his question as I shoot one in the head. 

His blood sprays on my face even under my hood, but I don't mind. 

"Ailwyn!" The second guard dropped to her knees next to the now dead man. I didn't feel guilty as tears rolled down her cheeks and she begged for him to wake up.

"Open the doors." 

She didn't move from the ground. I sighed, cocking my gun and aiming it at her.

"W-wait I'll open it! D-don't shoot." I didn't move my gun as she fumbled with her keys to unlock the door. 

Once she had opened it, she was back on the floor with her the other one. Except now she had a matching bullet in her head.

I strode past the bodies, opening the door and going to the confrence room. I knew this is where all the leaders would be hiding, probably planing some sick plan to tear apart our world. Not that they would be able to execute it anyway.

They were in there as expected, for once seeming slightly surprised to see me. They were prepared though. 

Lady Gisela, Fintan, Brant, Vespera, Gethen, Alvar, plus three guards all against me. 

"Fancy seeing you here-" I cut Gethen off with a dagger to the throat.

Everyone seemed pretty speechless as he dropped to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

"Well damn-" I tried to do the same with Fintan but he caught his with telekinesis.

It only took five minutes for Alvar, all three guards and Brant to drop dead as well.

Vespera was strong mentally but had barely any physical skills in fighting and no power to help her. I slashed at her stomach.

She went down with the simple blow. I almost snorted but got distracted when a blade cut though my arm. I whipped around to see Fintan and Gisela side by side, Gisela with some daggers and Fintan with his fire hovering over his hand.

"Keefe will never forgive you if you kill me." I tensed at the name. Gisela had a confident smirk, but I think she knew that wasn't going to stop me.

"Keefe is dead," I growled, "You killed him." 

Her face dropped. "No. That's impossible."

It was't impossible apparently, as much I wished it was. After Keefe fell into his coma, he grew sick. No doctor in the Lost cities could heal him. He passed away a month into his coma. 

I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I blinked away my tears, shooting Fintan in the leg, shoulder and chest. 

I tucked away the gun, bringing out my own daggers Keefe had gifted me a year ago.

My gaze darkened as I looked at her. She killed him.

My grip tightened on the hilt as I emptied out all the emotions I had bottled since I saw him die.

Gisela fell to the ground in agony. She screamed and cried and laughed as I walked up to her, hovering above her maniatic state.

I brought the dagger up above my head. "Goodbye." And I plunged my knife down.

I was tempted to draw out my symbol with their blood, but that seemed too extreme. 

I walked out numbly. Blood was all over me. My hands were shaking. Everything was a mess. 

But I had done it, I completed my job. Now it was time to go see Keefe again and be where I truly belonged,

I'm coming, my love.

Kinda hate this chapter but whatever, I just needed to write something lol

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