Zombie Apocalypse p.3

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As Sophie walked, she couldn't help but feel hungry. Ugh I need to find something to eat, she thought.

She had no water or food on her. Maybe there's some at that town. Sophie doubted she'd find much of anything at the town, but it seemed like a better idea than wondering around the woods all day.

Sophie continued to walk, trying to ignore the grumbling in her stomach. It seemed like hours had passed when Sophie looked at how far away the town was.

Huh. that's a lot closer than I thought it would be, maybe it has been hours, she thought.

Taking a deep breath, Sophie took another step but wobbled.

Maybe I should sit down for a second.

Sophie put her back to a tree and sat down. She started to feel lightheaded.

"Deep breaths, Deep breaths," She repeated.

Trying to breath slow, deep breaths was harder than Sophie thought it would have been. It felt as though a boa constrictor had wrapped itself around her chest, suffocating her. Sophie breath quickened as her vision blurred. She squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered, shaking and curled up into a Sophie ball.

Switching from her deep breaths to counting, she only got to fifty-two before she slipped into an unconscious oblivion.

Sophie woke up to sound of raspy growls. When did I go to sleep? She thought. The raspy growls continued. Sophie's eyes widened when she saw what was causing the sound.

the monster from her dream stood just steps away from her. Sophie gasped then immediately regretted it as the figure turned its head in her direction.

Sophie gulped, shakily getting up.

The monster appeared to have the from of some kind of man. His eyes bulged out, tears all over his dirt skin, a wound seemed to be on his head, open and bleeding but he didn't seemed bothered by it. Blood covered him, his or others, she didn't know.

Sophie didn't take anymore time to study him as she sprinted away, barely able to not trip. Running as fast as she could, Sophie channeled energy to her legs. Turning around to check if the zombie was following her but instead bumped into a tree.

"Ouch." Sophie rubbed her head. On the bright side, the zombie was no longer insight.

"Who's there!?"

Uh oh. Everything was a little blurry. Sophie took her hand back from her forehead. Blood. double uh oh.

Footsteps came closer and closer. Sophie wondered if they were the monsters so she stumbled to stand up.

The footsteps seemed very close now. A searing pain crossed her head and she groaned.

"Shit!" Someone yelled close by. A gun shot. Then her leg hurt. A lot. So she welcomed the darkness that came seconds later.

Keefe's pov

Everyone was fighting. Edaline, Grady, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam, Linh, Marella, Maruca, Stina, Della, Alden, the collective, and all of the councilors were crowded around Havenfields lounge area, discussing how to get Sophie back.

Keefe was suspicious of the councilors, they knew more then they were telling them. Sophie hadn't trasmitted to any of them for awhile.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Everyone turned towards Keefe.

"Fitz should try reaching out to Sophie again, she hasn't said transmitted in awhile, we should check on her."

There was a silence for a second before Fitz nodded slowly and closed his eyes. Everyone stared intensely at him. It seemed like ages before he finally opened his eyes, a crease forming on his eyebrow.

"Shes not responding. Maybe she's just sleeping?" Keefe's panic rose. When she had talked to him he could tell how scared she was. He would be to, if he was stuck alone in a place he's never been and no way to get out with monsters all around.

"What do you guys know?" Keefes question was directed toward the council. "And don't say "nothing," I know your hiding something from us and you need to tell us right now so we can get Sophie back."

The council glanced at each other, probably having a mental conversation before Emery took a deep breath, looking tired. "We don't think there's a way for us to get Miss Foster back."

Silence. They all stared at the councilors as if they were about to say, "But there is one way that we could!" but they didn't. That was it.

"What do you mean? There has to be a way. What do you know?" Everyone burst out into a panic at the news.

"EVERYONE QUIET!" Bronte yelled.

He took a breath when he had everyones attention. "We know what monster Miss. Foster is talking about. They appeared many years ago and are dangerous, which is why we keep them in an impenetrable force field with multiple back up plans if somehow they find a way though that."

"If you kept them all in one area, how come Sophie is in the place of at least two of them?" Grady demanded.

"That's the problem, if Miss. Foster somehow got into their prison, there would be no way to get her out with out risking letting out the monsters which could wipe out the population." Emery explained.

"How did she get in if its completely closed off?" Biana asked.

"When Oralie and her saw the forgotten memory, it is possible that Sophie teleported herself there while caught up in the memory accidentally. The force fields were built before we knew about her power, so they wouldn't be able to keep her out."

The room was quiet again, everyones hope slowly fading away as reality set in.

Sophie was stuck in there, and there was no way to get her out.

posted- 8/8/22

word count- 923

finally updated on this lmao

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