The Cage p.2

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Sophie sat in the small cage for what seemed like days. Nothing but silence sat around her as she waited in the cage, the bars already growing increasingly uncomfortable and her body becoming sore from not being able to stretch.

Finally, a door opened at the top of the stairs. Footsteps stomped down the stairs and Sophie looked up to see a man she had never seen before.

His arms were covered in tattoos but they cut off at the sleeve of his black shirt. She couldn't tell the exact color of his hair, as he had a buzz cut. He looked around his early twenties, maybe older. She could barely make out the outline of a gun in his pocket under his shirt. The only thing Sophie could put together was that he was scary.

"Hello, sweetheart. Finally awake?" He gave a grin as she crinkled her nose, curling up her knees ever further.

"We have some new arrangements today. I'm going to take you out of the cage and if you try to run, I won't hesitate cut you." Sophie swallowed.

He grabbed a key from his pocket, opening the small cage.

Sophie crawled out, relieved to be able to stretch her legs.

Her legs almost gave out as she stood but she forced herself to stand and stretch. "Put out your hands."

Sophie only hesitated for a second before holding out her hands. The man locked two, tight bracelets around her wrists with chains coming out of them.

"Ability restricters. They have trackers if you try to run away and a sedative ready to be punctured into you blood flow at anytime. If you try to use your abilities, you'll be zapped."

Sophie nodded, shaking but trying to hold it together.

"Good. I'll have to chain you to the wall until the new cage comes. This ones a lot bigger. Stay here, if you try to escape or move you won't get your meal." He headed up the stairs once again.

Sophie could already feel a headache forming and her stomach aches for something to eat.

She didn't dare move until he came back with a small tray, a couple apple slices and some mush that she didn't want to know what it was.

She ate it up quickly, wishing she had more as she finished off the apple slices.

"Get your against the wall." Sophie just now noticed the chains he held in his hands and gulped but did as she was told.

He put shackles on he hands and attacked the extending chain to a hook on the floor, then secured it so she couldn't get out of the chains, reach anything, or unhook the chain.

"The people will be here by tomorrow afternoon. They'll set up your cage then we make our arrangements and figure out a deal with you. You will cooperate with they or I will do twice the amount of damage then they could ever do."

He didn't talk threatening, or like he was holding her against her will. It was as if he were a teacher, trying to make his student understand.

I slap interrupted Sophie's thinking. "Say you understand."

"I understand." She muttered quietly, wanting to rub her burning cheek but not daring to move.

"I'll bring your breakfast tomorrow morning." He walked upstairs without another word, leaving Sophie alone.


Dexs POV

"So glad you made it, we've been waiting." Gisela sneered.

"Where's Sophie?" Biana demanded. Dex didn't think he had ever seen her so mad before.

"Oh, you just missed her. A shame, it would have been fun for you see her the way she is."

"What do you mean "how she is"? What did you do to her?" Dex couldn't keep the shaking out of his voice but tried his best to sound firm.

"Oh you know, drugged and burned. You should have heard her pathetic screams. I'm sure you know what they sound like Dex." His hands shook as memories of Sophie's screams haunted him.

"Where is she?" Marella asked.

Dex was no empath, but he could feel all the anger coming off of Marella, Biana, Della, and even Wylie.

"Oh I sold her."

No one knew what to say for a moment and all they could do was stare at Giselas as she looked at her nails nonchalantly.

Then she laughed.

For a second, Dex was relived. She was joking, which meant they could still get Sophie back.

"You should see all your face, but yes, she wouldn't join us or give any information and no one could handle killing her," she took a break to roll her eyes, as if annoyed that no one would kill an innocent, teenage girl, "So I sold her to some humans. I get the Moonlark out of my way, and they get to have their fun with her. It was a win-win."

She shrugged then sighed. "Although, I do wish I had some more fun with her before she left. She's so easy."

"Why did you give her to humans?" Dex didn't know who asked the question, but he was thankful to them so they didn't look like complete idiots, standing there gawking at Lady Gisela.

"Human can't break from guilt." Dex didn't want to know what awful things Sophie was probably going though right now.

"What do you want. We'll do anything, just give her back." Della pleaded.

Gisela laughed again. "That's not my problem anymore, shes long gone. You'll never find her... at least not alive."

No one said anything, not know why to do.

"Unfortunately, our time is up, but it was lovely taking to you." With that, a forcefield trapped all of them inside, the only thing they could hear besides their quiet breathing was Giselas heels clicking down the hall as she walked away.


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