monster (5)

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The next day, I'm in a room and the recordings are about to start playing on some screen the tech kid made. 

I tried to not look too stiff as the old man slid the recording into the machine. 

Soon, Vespera's room popped up with me lying on the table where the camera was angled at, already strapped down. I could see all the needles and small cups on the cart and refrained from cringing. 

The thought of all of them stabbing my skin over and over again made me itch to rub my arm but I didn't move. I can't show any weakness.

"Shall we begin now?" Vesperas's voice cackled through the speakers as she snapped on her gloves.

She told me what she was going to do and then picked up the first syringe. 

"Couldn't you have just drank a small cup of limbium?" The teal eyes boy asked but he didn't look at me, which I'm thankful for. I don't think I can look anyone in the eyes right now.

"Vespera prefers needles." I saw everyone in the room shudder.

Now that they mentioned it, how did they even know I was allergic to limbium?

She inserted the needle in my arm. I watched as my eyes closed and my body began to shut down. The whole minute, Vespera watched me with observing eyes and a neutral face, nodding and writing notes down on her paper.

On and on she went, needle after needle. I answered all the useless questions they had because they could easily get them if they read the files they found with these tapes.

We watched plenty of videos, some I didn't even know I was being recorded for until everyone seemed equally freaked out.

"Alright Ms. Foster, we just need for you to confirm a couple of things before we all leave. On your files, there are some things that weren't recorded so just nod if they did it and shake your head if not."

I yawned, nodding along. 

"Good. There's a section on here titled "punishments." It has a list so you can just confirm and we can talk about them later. Number one, kept in coffin for three and a half hours."

"It was just three hours, I counted. I can also tell you that everything on that list is true and you don't need to read them off to me." I avoided eye contact with everyone as I stood but didn't make it too obvious. "Are we all done here?" 

Mr. Forkle nodded for the guards to escort me to my room. The guards stood outside the door after checking me and the room, which was unmatchable to my old bedroom. the walls and bed were white, which might make it sound boring but it just added to the light effect on the room. The other color in there was gray, which was strangely comforting and unsettling at the same time since it was the color of my old room.

There was a gray carpet, desk, chair, lamp, nightstand, you get the point. The bathroom was just as grand, with a marble counter and an unnecessarily big bathtub. The closet had already been filled to the brim with dresses I would never wear and a few plain tunics. 

I sighed as I lay on the bed, almost falling asleep immediately from how comfortable it was when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I mumbled into the fluffy pillow I couldn't take my head out of.

The door opened and I heard a snort. "Comfortable?"

"I was until you came in," I muttered.

"Ouch." he didn't say anything else so I looked up to see if he was still there. He was.

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