Neverseens revenge

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I've been stuck in the healing center for almost two days now, yet it feels like it has been two weeks.

No one has come to talk or do anything, which I didn't take any offence to, they might be busy, but it leaves me all alone with my medicine and cot to stare at the walls until my eyes blur.

Why am I here yet again, you may ask? Well, that's because the Neverseen decided to attack during a council meeting with team valiant and I got shot in the stomach and the shoulder along with being beaten.


Most of the bruises are gone by now, the ones on my face seeming to not want to go away and the ones on my stomach are almost invisible but ache like crazy anytime I don't take Elvin Advil.

Elwins been gone for a while, but I figured that was fine since he's been out a lot lately.

I just continued to lie there, waiting for him to get back so I could finally have some company.

The door finally opened but it wasn't Elwin who opened the door, it was Keefe. I smiled at him, but it was quickly replaced by a frown when I saw what position he was in.

He was sweaty, like he had run here. He had a melder in his hand and throwing stars were tucked into the black vest he wore. Even his hair looked just a little too messy.

"What's happening?" I demanded.

"Calm down, Foster. Everything is fine, the Neverseen are in here and I need to keep watch on you to make sure nothing happens."

"Seriously? I can watch over myself, give me a throwing star and get out there, they need you more."

"No offense Foster, but you were just shot twice, and your bruise cheek isn't doing much to help you. Relax, Biana, Fitz, Linh, Tam, Dex, Mr. Forkle and a bunch of big goblin soldiers are out there stopping them, my job is to protect you."

"This is the Neverseen, Keefe! I don't need protecting, just go make sure they don't get away!"

"Already trying to get me to leave? How rude of you."

"Fine, if you won't do it, I will." I pushed myself up, grunting as the sharp pain worsened.

"Woah! Chill, chill, chill." Keefe rushed over, pushing me back onto the cot as lightly as he could.

"If they need me, Fitz or Mr. Frokle will transmit me, okay?" I sighed, realizing I was too weak to go anyway and went back to my position.

Keefe locked the door and pulled up a chair next to me.

"Sorry I haven't come by yet, I wanted to but..."

It's okay, you were busy." I say, nodding my head at his melder.

"Still. How are you doing?"

I shrugged with my good shoulder. "Fine. Just a bit sore but hopefully I can get out of here without too much permeant damage."

Keefe frowned. "I heard my mom was the one who shot you, I'm really sorry Sophie."

"Hey, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to apologize for what she does, it's not your fault."

"I just wish I was there to help."

"There wasn't anything you could do anyway, they tied everyone up."

Keefe didn't seem to know how to respond to that, so I switched the subject.

"How has the group been doing? Were any of them hurt?"

"No, just a few scrapes but nothing like-" Keefe sentence was silenced by him as he snapped his mouth shut.

He looked concentrated for a second and it took me a second to realize someone had transmitted to him.

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