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"Bye!" I called, laughing as I ran out the door. Today is the first day I get to go somewhere without any bodyguards. The Neverseen have been staying quiet for a long time after Keefe left.

Its been a couple months. I thought he would come back by now but... I shake my head, clearing my head. Sandor definitely didn't want me going out alone but everyone else said it was fine, as long as I'm careful. I'm just going out for twenty minutes, after all.

I sprint over to the cliffs, briefly enjoying the cool breeze and nice view of the ocean before I jump, the first smile on my face I've had in a long time.

I crack open the void then focus on the picture of Everglen in my head. I'm going to visit the Vackers, as I do daily now. I visit everyone else too, of course.

When Keefe left, everyone fell apart. It was my job to keep everyone together, keep them grounded. I'm the leader, the moonlark, it's my job to do this stuff.

I shove those thoughts out of my head once again, trying to stay positive. I focus more and more on the image until I can fell my conscious stretching out more and more until there's a boom and everything goes black.

That's never happened before.

I open my eyes to find I'm still in the void. I frowned, trying again. My panic grew increasingly when it didn't work the second time. Or the third. Or the fourth.







I tried again and again until my mind couldn't handle the strain.

Fitz? Can you hear me I think I'm stuck in the void, I don't know what to do.

I tried transmitting to every person I could think of, teleporting to every place imaginable but none of it worked.

My breathing started to become ragged as reality set in.

I'm stuck in the void.

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