The Search

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Sophie Foster sat in the grass for what felt like the millionth time. She sighed, taking out another book her Mom got her. Sophie liked reading. It kept her calm and she enjoyed learning and reading fiction but when your only entertainment was reading for fourteen years, you would want to do something else too.

Sophie had lived in the same house, played on the same field, talked to the same tree, and learned the same things her whole life. She knew all of what Elves taught in school, so after that she learned everything that humans learned in school. She finished all of that at age twelve. So now she tried finding hobbies, building things, painting, writing, astrology, sewing, cooking, oragami, pottery, dancing, kitting, archery, you name it. Shes tried it.

Oralie went on long trips, leaving Sophie alone in the small house. She brought back gifts sometimes, months ago she got Sophie an old TV and some movies to play on it. Sophie had watched all the movies at least ten times and memorized the scripts perfectly along with the voice imitations.

The only fun thing to do was training. Oralie wasn't comfortable at first with Sophie using weapons, but after teaching her about them and training her to be stronger, she gave Sophie her fist dagger when she was eleven.

Now Sophie sat in the same grass, playing with that same dagger. Today was like all the other days, she sat around, watched the sunrise and sunset, star gazed, and played with a frog she found near the woods.

Oralie was on another trip. She said she would be home by night which meant Sophie had about two hours before she arrived.

Sophie stared at the woods longingly. She always wanted to explore in them but Oralie told her why they were hiding. If she ever went in those woods, there was a chance they would get caught and they would be exlied forever.

She still stood near them, at the very edge. Sometimes she talked to them. Sophie had never seen any other elf. She wished she could. Even a human. Although humans were painful.

Sophie knew she was a telepath. Her mother took her out once when she was five. She fell down and hit her head, which triggered her telepathic ability. That was the last time she ever went out. Oralie had been furious at her for causing such a scene.

Sophie cursed her younger self as she headed back toward the house. She blew her one chance of actually getting out of this stupid place. It was also Oralies fault for never letting her out.

She was thankful for Oralies help. After all it was her own fault they were both stuck here. Oralie told Sophie from a young age that she was protecting her. She was dangerous and could never go to the Lost cities or they would send her to Exile. Or worse, they would kill her.

Sophie never understood what was so dangerous about herself that she had to be locked away for eternity but never questioned Oralie. She did risk her life just to protect her so Sophie made a rule to never disobey her mother.

Sophie opened the door to her house and headed to the kitchen. She always made the meals. Tonight she made simple pasta with tomato sauce and garlic bread. When she was done and setting up the table, Oralie came in.

"Smells good Soph!" Sophie smiled and ran over to hug her mother, then helping her with the bags she was carrying.

"How was your trip?" Sophie set down the groceries on the counter.

"Oh same old same old. but, I have some good news! Since I have taught you everything I know, I have decided to allow you to go to a human school!

Sophie gasped. It was a good thing she didn't have any water in her mouth because she would have definitely spit it out.

"Really!?" Squealing, Sophie hugged her mother again and danced around the kitchen happily.

"Don't get to exited, there are rules." Oralie laughed, sitting down at the table.

Sophie calmed herself enough to sit down but her leg bounced with excitement.

"Rule number one: You will go to school and only school, no where else. Rule number two: You will attract no attention. Rule number three, You will only speak when spoken to, try to make as little interaction as possible. Rule number four, you will only..." Sophie drowned out the rest of what Oralie was saying.

There were probably hundreds of rules but she didn't care. She was going to go to school and nothing could kill her excitement.

If only she knew how much trouble it would cause her in the future.

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