The Search p.2

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Thank you so much for all your support with all my writing, it really means a lot to me <3

Keefe never liked holding secrets. He really didn't like holding secrets from his friends but he had to or else he would be caught.

Today another day of looking. The Neverseen had heard there was an elf hidden in the forbidden cities with a mother who ran away.

His mother sent him to go look for this elf as they were supposed to be around his age. Keefe had been searching for almost a full year. He was beginning to give up hope. If the council was searching for the elf for twice the time they have, what made the Neverseen so sure they would find the elf first?

Keefe had given the elf a name, Elf. or Elfy. He didn't like just calling them "the elf." He didn't even know if anything about them. Boy? Girl? Age? Nothing except that they were an Elf, so Keefe decided it would be fitting if he named them Elf, for now at least. He didn't particularly like the name but it was the best he had at the moment.

"Keefe! Get down here! You'll be late for school!" Keefe rolled his eyes. His dad could never get him out of the house fast enough. Luckily he got to miss school today. His mom would pick him up early two days of the week so he could go to the forbidden cities to look for Elf.

Sighing, Keefe made his way down the million stairs and straight to the leap master. "Foxfire!" He stepped into the light and reappeared on Foxfire campus.

"Keefe!" Keefe turned around to see Fitz and Biana walking toward him. Biana was wearing her green uniform while Fitz was wearing red, the same as Keefe.

"Hey! There's my two favorite siblings!" Biana noticeably laughed a little too loud and hard at his not so funny joke. Keefe was very much aware of Bianas crush on him. Even without his Empath abilities, Biana made it painfully obvious of how she felt toward him.

Fitz wrapped an arm around his shoulders as they separated from Biana and toward their lockers. "Exited for our Elvin History exam today? I studied all night on it." Fitz asked, licking his strip to open his locker. "Ugh that tastes terrible."

"Sorry, you're on your own today, I'm leaving early."

"Again? Ugh your mom needs to find other time to spend time with you." That was excuse Keefe always used. Even if it sounded absolutely nothing like his mother. He told Fitz that this was the only time his mom was able to spend time with him due to her new "job." It wasn't a total lie but he didn't think Fitz would be super supportive if he found out her "job" was being apart of the most feared and destructive organizations in the Lost Cities.

"You know how it is with mommy dearest." He didn't, Keefe knew that first hand. Della was like a second mother to Keefe. He knew Fitz would never understand what his family life was really like.

Fitz sighed. "Whatever, you'll be here all day next week though right?" Keefe shrugged and walked away after he grabbed his stuff. He considered skipping classes until his mother came to pick him up. but thought better of it. Besides, his first class was Elentime which wasn't too bad.

Keefe couldn't get out of his class fast enough. He jogged to the front office after picking up his stuff in his locker and homework.

Gisela was sitting, legs crossed elegantly. She wore all black, except for her lips. Her lips were a bold, blood red. "Come." Keefe followed silently behind her. Once she was sure they were alone, she pulled out her blue pathfinder, pulling him in with her.

"Gethen found her."

Keefe stopped in his tracks. "Really? He found Elf- er the missing Elf?"

"No. We found the mother. We kept a bug on her. She has a daughter in the woods who has been hidden there for fourteen years. Today she starts her first day of human school. Your job is to go to that school. Get her to trust you. That way it will be easier to take her." Keefe almost missed what she said when Gisela shoved human clothes in his hands.

"We're kidnapping her?"

"Of course. She could have valuable information and is a great for bargaining with the black swan. Now go change your school starts in twenty minutes." 

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