Taken p.2

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I wasn't sure how long I spent in the back of the van, staring at the blank walls. I tried banging on the doors, screaming, and jumping around, but eventually I went back to sitting on the floor as it drove.

I wonder when someone will notice I'm missing. Did someone hear the screams? Did anyone see me on the street?

I curled my knees to my chest, wishing for the hundredth time that I had never gone to that party.

The dress soon grew uncomfortable and all I wanted to do was snuggle up with Edaline, Grady, and Iggy while watching a movie.

I tried to choke down my panic as I felt the car come to a stop. I heard a car door opening and slamming shut in the front before the back was opened up.

My body shook in rhythm with my heart beat as he opened the doors to the van.

I was already as far from the doors as possible but that didn't stop him from grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out of the van.

Before I had the chance to look around, he put a blindfold over my eyes, block my sight from any view. He cuffed my hands with what felt like metal hand cuffs.

It was almost as if he was prepared for this to happen.

I screamed and screamed as he dragged my thrashing body somewhere I couldn't see.

I expected him to try to quiet me down, but he didn't. Yet that was so much worse, because that meant he didn't think anyone could hear me.

I stumbled up steps, missing almost all of them until he unlocked a door and shoved me inside. I fell to the floor and heard the door lock as I tried to get on my feet again.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast." Hands grabbed my shoulders from behind and started spinning my around until I couldn't tell which way was up or down.

I tripped from dizziness but he caught my hand. I immediately wanted to pull away. Even the rough feeling of his hands was disgusting.

I didn't know how big the building was, or even what type of building it was, but it must have been big from all the stairs and hallways I was up and down until we came to a stop. A door opened and I was put inside it.

Finally, he took the blindfold off my face but he didn't uncuff me. I didn't think I would have missed the blindfold, but when I saw his face all I wanted was to put it back on and never see him again.

"What's your name?" I knew he was talking to me, but I couldn't find it in me to respond, or even look at him.

His hand landed across my cheek only a second later. "I asked you a question."

"S-Sophie." I mumbled.

I could feel him grinning at me as I stared at the dirty floor. "Sophie. What a pretty name." 

His was quiet for a second but I didn't glance up once. "Your beds in the corner, get some rest."

I heard his footsteps going back out of the room and close the door. I only looked up when I heard him walking down some staircase far away. 

It was more of a cell than a room. The "bed" was really just a small matress laying in the corner of the closet sized room. It was the only thing in there other than a bathroom that was hidden away in a somewhat seperate room except without a door and it was a quarter of the size on the call.

Dirt covered the wall, making it hard to know what the original color was, but I could make up faint nail marks on them that made me shiver.

I cringed as I sat down on the filthy mattress laying on the floor. There was no pillow or blanket, not even a sheet to cover it.

I knew there wasn't any way I was going to sleep. All I could do was try to wrap my head around what had happened but my mind seemed to be unable to understand. Still, I repeated to words over and over in my head.

I've been kidnapped.

I've been kidnapped.

I've been kidnapped.

Still, the words didn't seem to have an effect on me. No tears, no screaming, nothing.

I looked at my hands, cursing myself for not wearing any sharper rings. The small dress I was currently wearing was getting more and more suffocating but I didn't take it off.

One, because it was freezing, and two, because I didn't know if he had hid cameras. The thought of him watching me...

I shook the thought out of my head and tried to think about my family. 

Would they be able to find me? Do they know that I'm missing yet? Did they call the police?

i hope someone heard the screaming in the woods. Even if they didn't, there was still a body laying there. Someone has to find that eventually, and the police couldn't think it was just a coincidence that a girl was murdered the same day I was taken.

I hope they can find finger print, his footsteps, maybe a stand of my hair. I wasn't very into crime, but I know there are lots of precautions you have to take when murdering someone and I'm pretty sure he didn't follow one of them.

I allowed myself to feel that small bit of naive hope seeping into my mind. 

I was getting out of here. No matter what.

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