Stuck p.3

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Everything seemed like a blur. Flashing images of Elwins light around my eyes. I could faintly remember seeing my friends and family gathered together at one point but I couldn't be sure.

The last thing I remember is falling. I must have hit my head. I can feel the blood there, thick and warm as it flows though my hair, dying it a dark red.

I can hear the shouts and talking of people but I can't make out what they're saying. Only small words that don't matter.

My eyes still feel heavy and this time I let them close.

The next time I woke up it was a lot less hectic. It was just me and Elwin in the healing center. I smiled as I saw him with a clipboard in his hand, scribbling down nonsense.

I opened my mouth to say his name but only a small noise made its way out. Though it still got his attention.

"Sophie! I'm so glad you're awake, don't try talking yet." I watched as he got out exilers and handed them to me. I gladly gulped them down.

"Sophie, do you know what happened?" I shook my head. All I could remember was the void and falling. Everything else was blank.

"Well, you went missing. For three months." I choked. If I was missing for three months then... was that how long I was in the void for? I thought it was a week, two at most but... three months?

"You showed up on the cliffs at Havenfeild, do you remember that?" I nodded, slightly dazed.

"Good. Well, you fell off the cliffs we're assuming and injured yourself really badly. You have some broken ribs, a dislocated hand and knee, you hit your head, which also may have effected around your neck, and you have some damage on your back that may effect your spine if we don't treat it properly." Elwin gave me a second to catch up with him before he continued.

"The council, your friends, and family want to talk with you but I'm forbidding it until you have proper rest. Tomorrow, you can see everyone and we'll get you all caught up but right now, I need you to focus on yourself and getting some sleep." I whined or, tried to, but Elwin was right. My body was exhausted. So I sighed and closed my eyes again, reminding myself that once this was over, I could see my family.

My eyes fluttered open and I squinted at the bright lights shining in the room. I groaned and tried to sit up but hands pushed me down.

"Easy Soph, don't do anything yet, you're still healing." I looked up at the person. Teal eyes stared back. He looked tired, he had bags around his eyes that didn't shine so brightly anymore.

"Elwin did some tests and examinations while you were asleep. It's going to be a long recovery, but he thinks you'll be okay. You should be able to talk soon and then we can answer some questions and hopefully you can answer some of ours." I nodded and gave him my best attempt of a smile.

He returned it, his eyes lighting up just a little bit. "Are you up to see some people? Everyone's very exited to see you." I nodded again, more enthusiastic this time.

Fitz walked out the door, closing it on his way out. I heard him talking to everyone outside and debating about something.

Fitz walked back in with Dex, Biana, Tam, Linh, Edaline, and Grady behind him after a little while.

Edaline and Grady rushed to hug me and I would have hugged them back if my arm wasn't so heavily bandaged and I couldn't move.

"Oh honey, we missed you so much. When you disappeared..." Edaline sobbed into my shoulder. It hurt, but I didn't disrupt her crying.

Grady wasn't much better, crying over Edalines shoulder as he brushed back my hair gently.

I tired to focus on hugging everyone and all their words but it all blurred into the same thing with all their tears and smiles.

"There's someone in the hall that wants to see you. We figured you would want to see him separately from us. Just... Go easy on him." Fitz told me once everyone was done.

Everyone walked out and was exchanged with a boy in the doorway. I gasped when I saw him, not sure how to feel.

The last time I saw him seemed so long ago. When did he come back? How long ago was this?

"Foster..." Suddenly I knew what to feel. Red, hot, anger boiled inside of me.

"I can feel how angry you are but just let me explain-" A shattering sound interrupted him.

It startled me just as much as him. I only felt a little bit of guilt as a piece cut his cheek and the rest fell to the floor by his feet.

"Okay... I deserved that. Please just listen to me. I understand that you're angry." I lifted another vase with my telekinisis threateningly.

He saw it floating in the air and sighed. "Please Sophie. I just need you to-"

I jerked the vase towards him and he flinched.

"Fine. I'll leave but I'll be back tomorrow." He left, leaving me alone.

Why had he come back? What had happened while I was gone? How was I gone for so long?

Nothing made sense anymore. I sighed, resting my head on the pillow and closing my eyes. I stayed like that until Elwin interrupted me.

"Okay Sophie, this should help with you voice but I can't promise anything." Elwin handed me the green liquid, which I downed in a second.

"Try to see if you can talk in a few seconds."

I waited just as he said until it was time to see if it had worked. "Hi."

My voice was horse and whispery, but I could talk without my throat burning and my voice cutting off.

Elwins grin matched mine. "It worked! Great, I'll make some more now that I know your skin won't turn blue."

"That was a possibility?!" I screeched- or, tried to. My throat started burning again when ever I spoke too loudly.

"Easy, don't talk too loud until your voice is completely recovered or you could loose it." He handed me a couple bottles of youth, which I gratefully drank.

"Can I have something to eat? I'm starving."

Elwins smile returned as he nodded, leaving me alone as he went to go get something for me to eat.

Later, he came back with a tray full of treats.

My mouth watered as I stared hungrily at the melowmelt, rifflepuffs, butterblasts, and plenty of other sweets towered on the too-small tray.

As soon as he handed me the tray, I started to devour all of it, barely having time to enjoy the flavor.

"Woah, slow down, the foods not going anywhere!" Elwin joked.

I only slowed down a bit until most of them were gone and the feeling of my stomach being full returned after what felt like so long- and was.

"Thanks Elwin." I mumbled, slowly laying myself back down. 

"It's good to have you back, kid" Were the last words I heard before I was swept to sleep.

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