The search p.4

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Keefes pov

Keefe wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. The girl he was supposed to get to trust him was the one his mom showed him, but she couldn't be an elf, she had brown eyes.

He didn't know if he was second guessing because he and Sophie had become friends or it was just that his mind was telling him she couldn't possibly be an elf.

All Elves have blue eyes, and she doesn't, it was as simple as that.

Yet, his mother had said she was positive it was her. That's why he decided to tell her.

Keefe gulped as he knocked on the door three times. He counted to ten before the door opened, revealing his mom is her red gown.

"Keefe? What do you want?" Her voice wasn't motherly, it never was. It always had a cold tone to it that made him want to run but freeze in place at the same time.

"It's about the Elf in the Forbidden Cities... I have some questions." She raised an eyebrow at him, then opened the door and waved him in.

"What is it? Is there a problem?" She asked as she went to go sit back down in her chair.

"Well... her eyes are brown." 

"So?" She kept her eyes on the paper she was writing on her desk.

"Elves don't have brown eyes, I just want to make sure you know this is her because shes really happy there and-"

She finally looked up from the paper and sighed. "Keefe, do you know why we're doing this?"

He was about to nod, then hesitated. He didn't really know why they were doing this. All he knew was he needed to get Sophie to trust him enough to help bring her here.

So, he shook his head.

"It's because this girl isn't safe. She was tested on by her mother and The Black Swan, you know how cruel they are. They did things to her that we don't know of, that could have harmed her, and that's probably why she has brown eyes. When she was a kid, the Black Swan wanted to use her as a weapon, against us. Her mother took her away and hide her in the Forbidden Cities to keep her safe, but she isn't safe there. Humans can be overwhelming and dangerous, not to mention the air pollution and their food. That's why we need to bring her here, where we can protect her and keep her safe."

Keefe felt better after this. Sophie wasn't safe there, though out the entire week he could feel her anxiety. She was smart, like all Elves were, but she lacked social skills and as much as she denied it, Keefe knew some stupid kids at school were making fun of her. She also had unbareable headaches sometimes that he couldn't explain.

Yet, there was one more issue that had formed in his head.

"What will happen with her mom? She was just trying to keep her kid safe," He asked.

"Yes, we know that, but she was a part of the black swan, so we'll have to hand her over to the council to deal with." His mother turned back to her work, letting him know he can leave.

Before he could, she said one more thing. "Oh and Keefe? Next week we want you to follow her home, we need to know he routine and where she lives for the end of next week."

Keefe knew what this meant, but he had to ask anyway. "Whats next week?"

"We're going to bring her to her new home."

Without another word, he left the room.

Going to two schools was hard, especially when you had to keep both of them a secret from separate people. 

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