the orphanage p.4

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When I woke up the next morning, my muscles were as sore as ever. I got up but collapsed, making some of the kids near by snicker.

I sighed and got up slowly, making my way to the cafeteria. Today I wasn't on cooking duty so I sat down at a seat in silence like everyone else as waited for the bland stuff they called food.

Soon, trays were handed out with a piece of bread, water and a pile of what looked like chunky white mud. I've never questioned their food, even if it made me nauseous sometimes.

I ate the food quickly, my stomach begging for more as soon as I was finished. I would have liked to eat slow but we only get ten minutes of eating time before we have to go back to work.

As soon as breakfast was over, I made my way to Ms. Vesperas room. I knocked lightly on the door twice.

The door swung open.

"Finally, you're here! I've been waiting all morning for you to arrive. Don't let it happen again. I need you to make me some breakfast, I'm starved. While I'm eating you can start cleaning up around here." She goes to her bedroom, likely trying to find something to wear.

I immediately got to work with making her something. It needs to be good, fancy, but something anyone would like, I can't risk her not liking my food.

I decide on eggs and pancakes. She seems like more of a waffle person but I don't have the things I need for that.

I make the pancakes first since I can heat those up easier and eggs get colder quicker. I made five, not wanting her to have too little or too much and scrambled three eggs with some cheese in them.

I wish I could sneak a bite of them or make myself a pancake, but I can't risk getting caught by Vespera. I need to be good, even if she's not watching.

I've never tried a pancake before. All I have had is the stuff they serve for breakfast and dinner. I shake my head clear of the silly thoughts and put all the food on two separate plates. I put syrup, silverware and napkins out for her, all set in their rightful places.

Vespera walked out of her bedroom, now wearing a dark red dress. I pulled out her seat, waiting for her to sit down.

"Start with my room. Hurry up." I spend the day cleaning every room in the apartment until it's absolutely spotless. Vespera came and go from the room, giving me more and more tasks.

By the time it was dinner, I was exhausted and wanted nothing more then one of the meals I made for her instead of his awful stuff I have to shove down my throat everyday I can eat. 

After dinner, I helped around the building for a bit since Ms. Vespera said she didn't need anything else before I got a shower and went to bed with a strangely blank mind.

Tomorrow is testing day. The day has come too quickly. I can't believe it. Although I suppose it doesn't matter much anymore, I'm going to work for Vespera no matter what my results are. I will try my hardest to hide that I am a Telepath but I see no way out of this. At least I can finally leave this place, accept I know the new place will be so much worse.

I walk around, helping Vespera load her things into the suitcases so shes prepared to leave tomorrow. I cleaned her room for the last time, making her meals and washing her things seemed to go by quicker today. 

When I went to bed, I could see the minutes go by until morning on the clock hanging above the door. I couldn't sleep, only watch the hand count every second leading to my last moments here. 

I hope I'll never have to miss this place while I'm there.

I'm not tired when I get up and ready for the day. I'm the only one getting tested today, so I follow Ms. Alina when she leads me down a hallway to a wooden door. 

It's weird how some people get to enjoy their birthdays. Mine has always been a countdown, nothing happy about it. Maybe people celebrate birthdays to distract themselves from what it really is, your own countdown to death. Or do they celebrate them for life? I suppose the shorter you life gets, the more depressing it becomes. That must be the reason old people don't like their birthdays as much as kids. It's different for me, as I know when my life will end.

Or maybe it never really started.

Ms. Alina knocks on the door lightly and it opens will a creak. There are two people there, an older man and younger women. They sat in two blue chairs, waiting with their backs straight and not smiling.

I walked in slowly, behind me I hear Ms Alina lock the door and I don't have to look back to know she is standing in front of it.

"Please sit, Ms. Foster. Let's make this quick."


Really short chapter but whatever. I have to read lord of the flies by tonight for a summative in english and I also have to memrise Spanish bc I have a speaking assessment for 1st period. I also have a test in bio and have to do a workout in p.e. so yeah. it's already 10:00pm haha I'm going to failllllllll. I need coffee. 

Sorry for the rant but yeah, sorry I haven't been updating much, I have a lot of school work and it's getting really stressful. I always try to make time for my writing but I'm sorry if I can't update as much anymore, especially in my main books.

I'm thinking about putting my quite place one on hold and making this one a book bc I have a lot of plans for it. What do you think? 


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