It's a cold world (Dark Sophie p.1)

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I know people will judge me for what I have done. Or, they would have, if they ever knew it was me who did it. 

Even as the blood on my hands dyed the water red, I couldn't get the thought of how everyone would react if they knew what I did. How I didn't hesitate. How my knife drove though him so easily. How I knew exactly how to clean it up.

It was like I went on autopilot. My hands were scrubbing at the floor but my mind was blank. Before I knew it, I was dragging the body to the cliff.

He didn't even make a sound. He knew what was going to happen before I did. 

I sighed, shaking my head as if that was going to get this off my mind. 

A knock on the door interrupted me. 

"Honey? Are you okay? What happened out there?" Edaline called though the door.

"I'm fine mom. It was just tired. I'll be better once I get some sleep." I shut off the sink, drying off my hands on my dirty tunic before I unlocked the door. I walk past Edaline, avoiding her gaze as I head straight for my room.

I'm not sick like I should be. In fact, I feel strangely calm. 

All I want to is go to be but I force myself to get in the shower and scrub off the remaining blood and dirt. I change into a white night gown, slipping in bed.

A part of me hopes this just a phase. Am I just in shock? How am I not guilty? Sad? Scared? Anything but this state of nothingness seems better than what I'm feeling right now, or what I'm not feeling.

I close my eyes after convincing myself that I would feel different in the morning, at some point, my mind would catch up and realized I...

I killed him.

School was horrible. I woke up late with the worst headache then rushed to get ready. I had two tests I wasn't prepared for. I've been trying to avoid all my friends because I'm sure they'll want to know what happened after I snuck away last night and I still don't have an alibi together.

I rushed out of my last class, determined to get to my locker before any of my friends could find me.

One thing I was forgetting: Keefe ditches almost all his classes.

"What's the rush, Foster?" He asked, blocking me from my locker.

"I have to home. Can you move?" He didn't.

"Where were you at lunch?" He asked instead, leaning back on my locker.

"I went to the healing center. I had a headache."

"We checked there, Elwin said he hasn't seen you all day. What's you next excuse?" 

I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't matter. Just move so I can get my stuff." He still didn't move.

"What happened last night? You ran off and we never saw you again. Elwin said you didn't look so good when he saw you." I scowled.

"Just move Keefe. I don't want to talk right now." I tried to shove him away but he held his ground.

"I'll move when you answer. Or we could talk about it at Havenfield if you prefer, but you've been avoiding everyone all day so I'm not leaving you alone until you explain whats going on."

My heart gave an annoying flutter at the thought of him caring. I can't deal with this right now, there's too many questions I don't have an answer for.

"Whatever, just move." He did this time and I could feel him staring me down as I got everything I need and dumped all the books I don't need back inside.

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