The Orphanage p.2

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(five years later)

I was almost done with the floors when I heard high heels clicking down the hall. Quickly, I put down the sponge in the water bucket and stand up straight. Miss Alina told us to do this when any of the staff or guest walks by as a sign of respect.

I put my hands behind my back and look down as a person walks by. The clicking stops and I look up to see Miss Vespera.

Miss Vespera is one of the worst people you can go to if you have powers. Shes know for overworking her servants but the worst part is, people say she experiments on them. Miss Vespera comes by every once in awhile to check if there's any new people she can take to work for her. She usually can get anyone she wants, as money is not a problem so its easy for her to buy us.

"Child. Help me with my things." She continued down hall but stops when I didn't follow.

"Well come on. I don't have all day."

I stay where I am and keep my head down. I want to tell her that I have to finish the floors before I can help her or that she should go find someone else to help her, but I'm not allowed to speak. Miss Alina told me to have all the floors clean within the hour. This was my last room so it shouldn't be long if she would go away.

"I said come over here and help me." Her voice is calm but I can here the edge to it. I stay put and my hands start shaking as she walks up to me.

A hand strikes my cheek. I try not to react but the sting brought tears to my eyes.

"Show me to you adviser. I have some words for them." She smiles cruelly as I look up at her with pleading eyes.

She gives me an unsympathetic shove. "Go on then."

My hands shake as I make my way to Miss Alinas office. She won't be happy when she hears about this.

I open the door and let Miss Vespera in first. She walks in and sits on a chair while I stand behind her.

Miss Alina laughs from in her chair, A phone pressed to her shoulder. "Okay, you too. Bye now!" She hangs up and her smile falls for a split second before going back to it.

"Hello Miss Vespera. What can I help you with today?" She smiled tightly but gave me a quick glare.

"Your worker over here is causing problems. She wouldn't help me with my things and was incredibly rude."

Miss Alina turned to me. "Is that right? Well I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Vespera. I'll call down some workers to help you." Miss Alina pressed two buttons that sent a ring to let workers know where they were needed.

"Well she will be punished won't she? This behavior is not acceptable here. I expect every child to do as they are told." Miss Vespera glanced back at me in disgust.

"Yes, rest assured she will be punished severely for this."

"What is her name. I would like to know in case there is any...mishaps later on." People weren't supposed to know our names. There's no reason they had to since no one was to address us by name.

"Her name is Sophie Foster. Would you like to see her file? We're always looking to get rid of them to go as home workers and her testing day is coming up soon."

I freeze. My testing day was coming up soon. Too soon. I can't go with Miss Vespera or I'll never survive.

"Yes, that would work just fine. I'm actually looking for more workers to help at the moment."

Miss Alina smiles and pulls out a small file from her desk. "Here's all her information and history. You're workers should be waiting at the door to help you with your things."

Miss Vespera gave me one last look before leaving and closing the door.

"Now, what are we going to do with you?" Miss Alina stared at me for minutes before she sighed.

"You'll have no dinner tonight. I want you cleaning all day. Come see me at bedtime. After this you'll be helping Miss Vespera with anything she needs for the next three days, if she wishes. You are dismissed, go finish the floors, clean every room."

I know Miss Alina let me off easy. I was doing what I supposed to but if a staff member or guest ever complained, it wasn't to go without punishment.

The rest of the day, I spent my time cleaning every room and helping all the guests with their things. My stomach rumbled as I watched everyone walk to the kitchen to get their meals. We only got two meals. Breakfast and dinner.

I stayed back in the sleeping area and did everyone's bed, as instructed.

When bed time came around, I walked to Miss Alina office, knocking on the door before walking in.

"Ah, there you are. Come child, I'll show you where you'll be staying the night." Miss Alina walked me down many halls and though doors until we ended in front of a storage room.

Miss Alina pushed me in. "Here's where you'll be staying- oh not here." I looked at her, pausing in my moment of happiness. I should have known a storage room was too good to be true.

"In here." she pointed to a small cabinet on the floor and my eyes widened. I'm not even sure I would be able to fit in the.

"You're thirteen, you should be small enough to fit." Miss Alina says, as if she read my mind.

She opens it. I can see spiders and roaches crawling around. there was no space in there. I try to back away but Miss Alina grabs my arm, shoving me in. Before she shuts the door, she looks down at me.

"I'll have someone fetch you for breakfast in the morning, but until then you think about what you did." The doors close and I hear a latch lock, leaving me in darkness.

I covered my ears and face, already feeling the bugs crawl around me. I think I squished a few when I was shoved in here. My back soon grew sore, as did everything else. It seemed like days had passed by in the dark silence, but I knew it was probably just hours. Breakfast starts at five and bedtimes at nine so that means I have to spend eight hours here.

I count the minutes, but loose count multiple time. I start crying. Think, sloppy tears run down my cheeks as I sob. What if Miss Alina forgot about me and I was left here forever?

It did seem like that. It felt like weeks had passed before someone finally open the door. "Miss Alina sent me, she said I was supposed to let you out now since she forgot this morning. It's the afternoon. Your supposed to be cooking right now, I'll show you to the kitchen."

I scramble out of the cabinet flicking off bugs and shaking to get them all off myself. I wiped my tears as tried to get up but stumbled. My legs felt so sore and everything was cramped.

"Ugh. I don't have time for this. Find you own way, Freak." The girl rolled her eyes and left me on the floor.

The kids were always like this. Especially the ones who never got in trouble.

I slowly made my way to the door, stretching out. There's no time to sit here and feel bad for myself. I have work to do, with a mean lady named Vespera.

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