The Search p.3

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Sophie boarded on the yellow school bus. She sat in the first seat available. She bounced her foot since squealing might be a bit weird. She held her purple backpack tightly. She had woken up two hours before school started. She put on her best shirt and favorite jeans, she even let Oralie braid her hair back. Sophie checked she had her pencils, pens, a ruler, erasers, makers, colored pencils, labeled binders and notebooks for each class plus extra labels in case one peeled off, and her favorite dagger hidden at the bottom of the bag.

Sophie had begged her mother to let her leave it, anxious she would get caught with it and be expelled but Oralie had told her to take it or don't go, so Sophie didn't have much of a choice.

"Hey." Sophie stiffened. Was someone talking to her? Oh no. She shouldn't be talking to anyone. Maybe she should ignore them? No, that would be rude.

A finger poked her arm. "You? Can you hear me?"

"Umm...y-yes...I mean no! Wait yes I can hear you!" Sophie mentally slapped herself. Idiot, you should have practiced your conversations with the trees. Sophie was sure her face was red and was tempted to bury her head in her backpack. Then she regreted letting Oralie put her hair in a braid, now she couldn't hide behind it.

The person laughed. "I just noticed you felt- I mean, you seemed nervous. Is this your first day?" Sophie smiled and glanced over at the boy. He had messy hair, but it still looked good and his eyes were and ice blue that gleamed in the sun coming though the window next to her. "Uh, yeah it is." No! I'm not supposed to tell anyone anything about me. Sophie slapped herself again mentally.

The boy slid into the seat with her, forcing her to scoot over toward the window. "I'm Keefe." Sophie looked over at the boy. Maybe just one person...Oralie wouldn't have to know..."I'm Sophie Foster."

"Oh. Your eyes are brown." He sounded disappointed for some reason that made Sophie conscious of her brown eyes.

"I mean their really pretty! I just thought..." The boy- er Keefe trailer off.

"I-its okay." Sophie knew she would now be even more self conscious of her eyes until she could forget about that. Were brown eyes ugly? Were they bad? Sophie had always been jealous of her mothers eyes. Oralie said Sophie was supposed to have blue eyes, as all elves do, but her genetics were partly based on an alicorn so her eyes were accidentally turned brown.

"Really, I like brown eyes." Keefe grinned at her then dug in his bag and took out a piece of paper.

"What are you doing?"

"Just doodling, do you want a piece?" Sophie nodded and and he took out a second piece. Sophie took out her own pencil and started doodling, not really knowing what she was drawing. Sophie always liked drawing. She liked painting even more. Oralie brought many canvases over from her trips and Sophie would make her own paint.

By the time they reached the school, Sophies paper was full of small doodles and scribbles.

She tuck the piece away in her bag so she could admire the building. For some reason, no one seemed as excited to be there as she did.

The doors opened after a couple minutes and everyone started lining up to get out. Sophie got off right after the blond boy.

"Do you need help getting around the school? I could help you get to your classes?" Keefe asked from next to her.

"Really? That would be great!" Sophie grinned at him and he gave a smile back. Sophie thought it looked a bit off, like he wanted to smile but couldn't, but she pushed the thought away. Maybe that's just how he smiled, besides, she hadn't even seen someone other than Oralie smile since she was five.

"Can I see your schedule?" Sophie handed over the purple piece of paper that had her schedule printed on it.

"Oh, we have most of the same classes I think. I know where all these are, follow me." Keefe kept her schedule in his hand as he led her around the many halls that Sophie was sure she could never memorize while they talked about their classes until they arrived at their first period class: science.

"Ugh, who wants to do math in the morning?" Keefe complained as he saw what they had third period.

"What do you mean? Math is one of my favorite subjects." To be honest, Sophie like mostly all of the subjects where she  got to learn.

"Are you serious? You must be thinking of the easy stuff or something because no one likes math. That would basically be breaking the rules of the universe." 

Maybe Keefe was right. Was there more math she hadn't discovered yet? Then again, Keefe was a human and she was an Elf so everything was naturally easy for her in human subjects.

They sat next to each other in the back where no one else was sitting yet.

"We have everything together, its almost like we were destined to be friends." Keefe gave her a smirk that made her roll her eyes.

"Whatever. What have you learned in this class so far, I need to catch up." Sophie took out her notebook and pen to copy down her homework.

"We had to do the lab safety stuff and we went over Scientific Investigation, and now we're learning about Life Science. We just started last class so you shouldn't be too far behind. We only did the eight characteristics of life." Sophie nodded, writing them all down even though she knew all the subjects well. 

"Okay, thanks."

The bell rang a second later and the teacher started taking roll. She paused at Sophies name and looked up.

"You're new here, yes?" Sophie blushed as everyones eyes were averted to hers and only then did she realize how many people were there. It must have been at least twenty.

She nodded at the teacher and hoped for her to just move on to the next person. All these people were making her feel anxious for some reason.

"Ah, last week we did some ice breakers so how about you tell the class your name, where you're from and your favorite subject."

The teacher looked at her expectantly and Sophie could practically feel her cheeks glowing. 

"Um, My name is Sophie Foster, I was raised here and my favorite subject is art." She said so quietly, she doubted even the people around her could hear her, but the teacher still nodded her head and started calling names again.

Sophie Foster was the name she went by ever since she was a kid. She didn't even know Oralie last name. She wasn't allowed to in case any of the elves found her and tried to search her mind, Sophie wouldn't have to hide such basic information of her name and seem suspicious. 

Plus, she couldn't use Oralies last name or real name. She was very careful with her identity. No one knew what she really looked like, as she went out with a disguise everyday and she never used her real name, other than her first one at home.

For the rest of the class, they took notes about cells and living things.

Sophie could already tell by the time the bell finally rang again, this was going to be a long day. 

This is Sophie schedule, for anyone who is interested. (yes, she has a block schedule)

even days





odd days





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