Taken p.3

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Keefes pov

It's been over forty minutes since Foster went on her walk. I've been watch the door ever since, waiting for her to come back but she never did. 

It occurred to me that she could have gone though the back door though I'm not sure why she would do that, I looked around the whole house for anyway. My panic started to set in when I couldn't find her anywhere inside. 

As I was looking in the kitchen for the third time, Fitz came up to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Hey, what's wrong? You've been going around looking for something for the last twenty minutes. Is everything okay?"

I shook my head. "Foster went on a walk an hour ago and I can't find her anywhere. She said she would be back in a minute. Have you seen her around?" 

Fitzs eyebrow creased, telling me he hadn't seen her. He thought for a minute. "It's fine, she probably just walked home or something. We'll go outside and look around for her and if we can't find her we'll call Sophie, Edaline and Grady to find out where she is." I nodded along, wishing I had done all of this earlier instead of looking in here like an idiot.

I got my coat on as Fitz got Linh and Dex, saying we should bring more people just in case. He didn't specify. 

I tapped my fingers nervously against my leg when they all walked over to where I was standing by the front door.

"Come on, lets go." Dex urged.

We stepped out into the night. We all hurried along the sidewalk where Foster went on her walk. We called out her name a few times, Fitz and Linh both had their phone flashlights on so we could see where we were walking. 

We walked along the side of the road, no one wanting to say what we were all thinking.

Sophie was missing.

She would never be gone this long, especially without telling us where she was going. I knew she wouldn't. But we all kept looking around the neighborhood, desperatly hoping to find her.

"I'm going to call her and her parents. I think somethings wrong." Dex finally admitted. He stepped aside before any of us could say anything to call them.

We all were so silent we could hear Dexs phone ringing as he waited for someone to answer. A minute later Fosters voice recording played.

Hey, I can't answer the phone right now, I'll call you back later. Bye!

Dex sighed frustratingly and called Edaline next. 

"Hello? Is anyone there?" We all whipped around at the sound of a women voice. 

She looked to be around her forties, she had short red hair and light skin. Another women With long, wavy brunette hair was following the red head as she walked closer to us.

Once they were close enough, she began talking. "Was that you screaming? We've been looking for an hour!"

"Screaming?" Linh asked faintly.

"Didn't you hear it? There was some loud screaming next to our house, lots of people heard it. We've been trying to find out who it was for an hour out here but we can't find anything. Do you happen to know who it was so my wife can stop worrying." 

The brunette was a immediate defence. "It sounded like a kid! They could be seriously hurt."

"We actually came out here to look for our friend, she went missing about an hour ago." Fitz said.

Dex walked over to us from where he was standing to the side. "Edaline and Grady said she never showed up at Havenfeild."

"What's your friends name? We can help you find her."

"Her name is Sophie." I whispered.

"I'm going to call Biana and everyone to tell them to come help look around. You guys get started, be careful." Fitz added.

"We heard the screaming in the woods but no one wanted to go in there. I guess we should check now. Azia, how about you call the police and tell them whats happened." The red haired women, Azia, nodded.

"Lets all go together for now, I don't want us to split up. My name is Maeve, by the way. We'll find your friend." She led the way into the woods as we all pulled out our flashlights. 

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

I should have gone with her. What's wrong with me? I let her go on a walk alone in the dark. This is all my fault. How could I have let this happen?

"Stop blaming yourself Keefe, it's not your fault." Linh whispered from beside me, so that only I could hear her.

"But it is, I should have gone with her. Now look where were at."

"We don't even know if anything happened yet. Stop worrying and focus on trying to find her." I nodded. We need to find Sophie.

It was three minutes later when the police showed up to help look for Sophie and the cause of the screaming.

It was ten minutes later when we heard Maeve scream. 

And it was twenty minutes later when there was a dead body being carried out of the woods and it had officially became a crime scene. 

I felt like throwing up as me, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Tam and Linh sat on the curb, huddled together.

I could hear Edaline sobbing from somewhere begging a officer to look for Sophie. 

I sent a plea out to the universe that the body wasn't Fosters. She couldn't be dead. She was with me just less than two hours ago, being her fierce, beautiful self. What had happened? Who would even do this? 

Soon, a police officer came over to us. "The body wasn't your friend, but we would like to ask some questions to all of you if that would be okay."

We all sighed in relief. 

"Do you know who did it? Could this have something to do with Sophie?" Tam asked.

"We can't share that right now, but if we could ask you some questions it could help a lot."

We all agreed, just as desperate as the next to find her. 

We would find her, no mater what. I'm getting Foster back.


Don't love this chapter but it's okay, I might rewrite it later.

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