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"Daddy!Daddy!What you doing?" I shouted as I saw my father walking out of the backdoor. I was just five years so I don't know what to do. My dad looked at me with sad eyes.

"When your mum died, love,  I died with her. I know it wasn't your fault but I wish she was still here. I'm sorry I have to do this but you mightn't even remember and you're too young to understand anything."

Just as daddy finished talking, two men came in the room and shot him. He fell to the floor with his blood pooling  around him. The men took his body and dragged him out of the house.

One of the men looked at me with pity in his eyes. He looked like he was deciding something but I was full on  sobbing right now. My parents are dead. I only have Eric now. He's only eight and I'm five.

"Kid, you're too young to understand this but I guess I should tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone." he looked at me for confirmation and I sniffled while nodding. "Your dad's not dead. There are hunters who are after him and the royal family wants to meet him. We had to get his blood on the floor to look like he's dead so your pack wont look for him but he's not. I'm sure he will return."

He left as he finished. Daddy's not dead. Why does the royal family want him? What will Eric do? No! I cant tell anyone! Daddy will return and everything will be fine.

I stayed in the kitchen deciding whether or not to clean up the blood. I decided against it because the man said that it needs to look like he's dead.

Eric and the his friends rushed into the room. They saw the blood and tears developed in Eric's eyes. He looked towards me along with everyone else.

"What happened? Why are you just standing there? Where's dad?" they all began  to question me.

"I don't know" I squeaked out. I had to lie in order to keep dads secret. I cringed when I saw the hatred in their eyes.

"You did this!You killed mom and now you killed dad! Why don't you just die!" Eric shouted in my face.

How could he say that? Daddy's not dead. I don't know if mommy is or not but daddy's not dead. Should I tell him? But the man said not to!

The sound of skin hitting skin interrupted me and I realized that Jessica just slapped me. I felt the tears developing in my eyes and slowly they raced down my now red cheeks.

I looked at her, holding my cheeks and she was glaring at me. Why would she slap me? She looked at Eric and I followed her actions.

"Why are you just standing there? Lets get justice for your parents!" she persuaded them. Eric looked doubtful but eventually listened to her.


That was when my first beating started. I thought it was cruel to abuse a five year old girl but they didn't care. I don't know where my dad is or if the man was lying or not but I don't care anymore.

I woke up in a black painted room and after a few minutes of panicking, I remembered everything.

Including the part where the alpha said that I was pregnant. I told myself that I heard wrong but this morning I heard my pup's heartbeat.

I always wanted children and seventeen is young but I'm not going to kill or put my pup up for adoption. I'll keep my child because my dad always told me that your pup will always be your light.

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