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Today is the day they're gonna let me go back to Xavier and during the last two days, Ryan and I became closer. He was assigned to make sure I didn't escape but he stayed with me and took care of me. When three rogues came to the room I'm staying in, apparantly they said that I'm smelling good and they want a piece of that, but Ryan protected me. And by protected, I mean, stand in front of me growling and snapping the neck of the man who came closer. The other two left when he snapped their friend's neck. He never allowed me to step out of the room. So I never really saw anyone.

I didn't see my father nor did I smell his scent but I felt him near. I don't know how but I feel him. I also feel Xavier's pain but he has Emmy and I'm returning today. I'm awfully calm about being abducted by rogues but I'm blaming Ryan. He made me feel like home. With his sarcasm and jokes. He told me  they are working with hunters. I know he wasn't supposed to tell me that but I believe he wants to help us because he doesn't deserve to be a filthy rogue. I'm planning to ask him to join our pack. He's strong and an excellent fighter.

Right now, I'm standing two footsteps away from the line that begins Xavier's territory so they don't know I'm here as yet. Ryan is standing opposite me and we are just staring at each oter. As I said, he was my bodyguard so he had to carry me back, alone. He motioned with his hands for me to go into the territory. I turned around and stepped into it but I turned around and ran towards him. My scent was already passing through the territory so they're probably following my scent already.

I jumped on him and he caught me. My arms wrapped around his neck as he held me to him. I'm gonna miss him so much. I don't know what it was about him but I feel a connection. A brotherly connection but I know that will be impossible.

"I'm gonna miss you." he whispered against my head. I smiled, "I'm gonna miss you too." I reopened my eyes and looked at him, "Mabey you can pass by for a cup of coffee."

He laughed loudly but was stopped by low growling. I turned and looked at Xavier, Damon, Eric, Tyler, Chase, Sara, Natasha and Emmy. I realized that I  was still hugging him and jumped down.

Emmy ran up to me. "Mummy! Mummy! I missed you!" she yelled. She jumped in my arms and flung onto me. I chuckled and kissed her forehead repeatedly.

"I missed you too baby. Look this is Ryan, my friend, Ryan this is Emilia, my daughter." She smiled shyly at him whereas he stared adoringly at her. Xavier pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. I responded immediately forgetting everyone was around us. I felt someone take Emmy from my hands and I figured it was Sara. I put my hands around his neck for better access. He gripped my hips and pressed harder against me. God! I missed him!

"Hmm... guys I don't want to see my sister making out with my alpha." Eric shouted. We pulled apart and Xavier growled, "Mine!"

I put my hands on his chest, "Yours, yes baby, yours." I whipsered trying to calm him down. Tyler didn't seem to care as he began to shout, " Wait! You forgave him! How could you forgive him? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"TIC! She just returned so I suggest you shut your mouth before I shut it for you!" Ryan shouted. I smiled at him. He's more protective than Damon. I'm not even exaggerating. I mouthed thank you.

He nodded but Tyler didn't shut up, "Who the fuck do you think you are? We should just kill you! You're just a worthless rogue!" Now that angered me.

I used my force to push him back into the tree. I heard a bone crack but he insulted Ryan and my angel is over-protective of Ryan. My wolf and I don't know why she is but we're not stopping her. Tyler  needs to learn when to shut up. He always had a temper.

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