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"Check it again! There is a fucking rogue in my territory and I want it killed!" Xavier shouted at Eric, James and his warriors. Apperently a rogue got into the territory and they cant find it.

We are in his office and by 'we', I mean, Xavier, Eric, James, Damon, Chase, Tyler, Ryan, Natasha, Sara, both Damon and Xavier's warriors and me. Emmy is still sleeping because its eight in the morning. Xavier is freaking out. Only barking orders and choking people.

He is sitting in his chair behind his desk. I'm sitting in the couch along with Natasha and Sara. Damon, Chase, Tyler and their warriors are in the other side of the room and Eric, James and their warriors are in front of Xavier's desk getting cursed at. I'm not trying to stop Xavier because when I tried, I almost killed him. Further explanation, I got up and told him to stop and calm down and he growled at me, telling me to sit down and shut up. I just stood and watched him, waiting for him to realized who he was talking to an when he did, he began apoligizing. I ignored him and sat down, not talking anymore. He got distracted again because James told him that the rogue has a familiar scent and that started again.

We haven't heard from Eric's father since Ryan explained what happened. Eric found out everything and he was strangely calm about it. I haven't spoken to him since his blow up and I don't plan to.

Ryan and I grew closer and everyone's training for the full moon which is next two weeks. They fixed the doors of the safe house and now all we have to do is wait.

"Listen you unworthy jackass, I want that rogue in my prisons by tomorrow morning and if it's not there, I'm going to rip you apart in front of your parents. Do you understand me?" Xavier growled while glaring at Eric and James.

"Alpha, no disrespect but that rogue is very clever and we cannot find it by tomorrow morning. We don't even know where to start looking for it. This territory is very big. " A warrior said.

Bad idea. In less than a second, Xavier had the warrior against the wall with his hands around his neck choking him.

"Well then find a fucking way to get  it!" he growled in his face. He was going to say more but was cut off from the door opening.

"Daddy." my baby said. I got up and went to take her out the room because her eyes held fear as she looked at her father choking a man. Xavier looked at me carrying her out and he growled.

"Don't touch pup!" he growled. At me. I froze and turned and looked at him. He let the warrior go and everyone was watching us now.

"Everyone leave the room now." I calmly said. Emilia moved more behind me when everyone was walking out he room. Ryan closed the door as he was the last to leave.

"What did you say?" I questioned with an angry look on my face. I was very emotional these last few days and everyone was pissing me off.

"I said ummm....... stay in....the ro--room with....Emmy and me...please?" it came out more like a question that a statement.

"Emmy baby, turn around and block your ears for a minute until I tell you to turn back round. Me and daddy has a surprise for you." I said not taking my eyes off Xavier. She followed my orders and turned around, blocking her ears. She always listens to me.

I slowly walked towards Xavier and pushed him agaisnt the wall. I tried to do this as quietly as I could.

"Don't you ever fucking growl at me again, Night!" I growled in his ear. He gulped.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking straight!" he begged. I just shook my head, "Shut up! Don't say anything." he immediately shut up and looked down. So much for an alpha.

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