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I felt the tears develop on my eyes as I ran towards Micheal. I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist. 

My face was stuffed into the crook of his neck and his arms were around me. I laughed and he twirled me around. God, I missed him! 

Everything was perfect until we heard a very ferocious growl. I jumped out of Micheal's hold and turned around. 

Instead of my mate, I saw a gigantic black wolf. Umm........why did he shift? I looked around and everyone was avoiding eye contact with me. 

I directed my vision on Xavier, well Ryder, again just in time to see him lunge at Micheal. 


I stayed in front of Micheal, silently daring Ryder to harm him. He stopped directly in front of me and growled. 

That bastard!

How dare he growl at me?

I raised my eyebrow. He looked pissed though. Why the hell would he be angry?

"Ummm......dearest sister?" Ryan muttered, "You left your mate to run into Romeo's arms over there." He pointed at Micheal, "And then he twirled you around like someone would on prom night." 

"I think I know why he's mad." I whispered.

"No shit, Sherlock." I glared at Damon. 

"Ryder?" I whispered while slowly walking towards him. 

"Mine!" He growled in y head. Oh yea! We could mind link now!

"Babe, he's just a friend." I caressed his furry face, "You know I only love you." 

In case you don't know, no one knows what we're saying because we're mind linking. Smart, I know. 


Is that all he could fucking say. 

"I know, Ryder. But.....he's gay. If you let Xavier get back control, I'll explain. Come on we don't have much time. We still don't know where the hunters are and the magic is wearing off already." 

"Mine." He muttered before strutting towards the safe house. Probably to get Emmy. 

I noticed Ryan staring at Micheal but decided to ignore my thoughts because......well........I guess......everyone would be suspicious of him. 

I couldn't have been more wrong. 


"So, who is this?" Xavier growls while cuddling a sleeping  Emmy to his chest. He glared at Micheal. Well then......

After Ryder walked away from the field, he went into the safe and got Emmy, changed his clothes and started growling at Micheal in his office.

Ryan, Eric, Candice, my mom and dad, Micheal, Damon, Chase, Tyler, Sarah, Natasha, Xavier, Emmy and me are all crowded in Xavier's office. The room was fairly large so we're not over-crowded. 

Ryan was unusually quiet. I don't know why. Ever since Micheal came, he has been staring off into space, growling randomly and staring at Micheal. 

The only thing stopping Xavier from killing Micheal is Emmy. Who is in his hands. So he can't do shit. YAY. 

"Anne, you can't use your powers too much. It'll harm the baby." Micheal said, completely ignoring everyone else in the room. 

"I have to fight. I can't just let you guys fight for me." I argued. There was no way I will sit down and wait, "Plus, my angel put a barrier around my baby. Nothing can harm it......even if I am harmed. My pup will be safe."  

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