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I never thought I'd see this again. At least so soon. When a war with rogues are so close. When I have to fight during this war. When I'm the reason for this war. When the rogues are coming for me. I can't put my child in danger.

I gripped the counter to balance myself. What the hell am I going to do? I'm not even sure I'll survive this war. Maybe I shouldn't fight because it would put my pup in danger. But I have to fight! What is going on with my life right now?

I'm still in the bathroom, Xavier waiting in the bedroom. I can sense he's nervous and excited. He wants another pup. Well, he wants to be here for his next pup. Don't get me wrong, I want this pup as much as he does, if not more but I'm worried about its timing. Why will the Moon Goddess choose to get me pregnant at this time?

"Actually, you got yourself pregnant so don't blame her." my angel said. I glared at her.

"Well, we have the same body so we all got ourselves pregnant including Xavier." I smartly replied. She rolled her eyes but shut up. I smirked but then frowned when Xavier knocked on the door.

"Babe, you okay?" he softly asked. I cleared my throat and put my hand on the doorknob. I turned it slowly and eventually the door opened. He stared at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked. He was only staring at me.

He said awkwardly, "Are you-?" Is he serious? He's afraid of saying the word pregnant. Its not even a bad word!

"Are you--you know preg-?" he stopped himself. I shut my eyes and sighed. After a few minutes, I decided to help him.

"Pregnant?" He nodded, relieved that he didn't have to say anything near to the word. I nodded, avoiding eye contact.

The room was silent for a few minutes until Xavier decided to spin me around.

"I'm gonna be a daddy! Again!" he shouted while spinning me around. I chuckled and landed on my feet. He noticed the distant look on my face.

"You don't want it?" he sadly asked.

"No, no, no! I want this child. I love it already. Its just --"

"Just what?"

"The time. The war. What are we going to do?"

He walked towards me and hugged me. Literally hugged me. My face was pushed into his chest with my arms in front on me and his arms around me, his chin on my head.

"We're gonna be okay. Once I'm alive, you and my pups will be safe. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I will always protect you."

I relaxed against him. The fear and anxiety is still there but I decided that in order to survive, we need to work together. And we're powerful so it can't be that bad. Right?

"You're good now?" he asked, still in the same position. I chuckled and said, "Yeah, I'm good now."

"Come on, lets go see our daughter." he said after a few minutes with pride shining in his eyes.


"Mummy! Mummy! Look what daddy gave me!" Emilia ran to me giggling. Right now, we're in the backyard. I'm sitting on the grass with Ryan, Sarah, Natasha, Damon, Tyler, Chase and Eric. Xavier is playing with Emmy in his wolf form and other children joined them so Xavier is running after all the  little children. Its a fun game of catch and rescue.

I looked at the rose and smiled. I put it in her hair behind her ears for her. I vaguely noticed Xavier shifting and walking towards us. He grabbed Emmy from behind and lifted her onto his shoulder.

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