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Right now, I'm waiting for the results from the doctor. I'm nervous because Damon said that his dad wants to meet me and his dad was the previous Alpha.

I didn't tell them about my wolf as yet because I'm too scared of what they're gonna think. There are only four hybrids in the world and they are literally worshipped. And I'm not even sure I'm a hybrid because I didn't get any signs.

The doctor walked into the room with a warm smile. That calmed me down a little bit.

'Congratulations, Miss Anne, you're pregnant but for some reason your pup is growing rapidly. Not even an alpha pup grows so fast but other than that everything is fine and healthy." the doctor concluded.

Its probably because the pups father is Alpha and I'm a black wolf. I thanked him and we walked out. We were walking towards the door when the doctor stopped us once more.

"Because of the fast growth, you're supposed to give birth on maximum four months and you are allowed to shift." he instructed. At least everythings good.

"Lets go to dad now, Annie!" Damon said excitedly. I sighed deeply and followed them. This house is gignatic. Its like a freaking castle.

Damon knocked on the door and a deep voice answered, "Come in" Great, I'm officially terrified now. We walked in and everyone except Damon, Sara and me bowed politely.

Don't blame me, I was going to bow but my wolf's pride stopped me. To say everyone was shocked because I didn't bow was an understatement. They looked at me like I told them I killed their pet.

The previous alpha stood up and walked towards me slowly. He held my cheeks and I noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Anne, Are you Mary and Dylan's daughter?" he asked quietly. I nodded still confused as to how he knows me. He smiled widely and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. This hug was suppose to make me feel weird and grossed out but it brought a fatherly feeling to it and I hugged him back. I didn't know why but I felt like I needed to.

"You're here because of your wolf and angel, aren't you?" Wait! Angel! How does he know about this?

He saw the confused look on my face and immediately began to explain, 'Your mom and dad were my closest friends. Your mom was an angel, literally. She was the white angel. They told me that her genes will pass down to one of their children and their wolf will be affected by the angel. By affected, I mean the wolf will be very powerful. Your dad told me to take you right before your eigthteenth birthday because you'll get your angel powers on your eighteenth birthday which I believe is in two months." he said without stopping.

He knew my parents and he knew everything about me. I'm an angel/werewolf. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"You must have questions. I'll answer all. Come have seat!' he said excitedly. I looked at Damon and he looked shocked and amazed.

Sara explained for me, "His dad doesn't normally talk to people like that except his mom so it was kind of a shock to him."

We all chuckled and Damon glared at us. I sat on the chair in front of the desk and Scott, Damon's dad, sat across from me with the rest of them sitting on the sofa.

"Ask along" he said. I took a deep breath before beginning.

1. How do you know my parents?

He sighed deeply but answered the question staraiht after. I guess this was story time.

"We met during war actually. Your mother was apart of my pack and your dad was a warrior. I knew your mom was the white angel because when she found out, she came straight to me. She was the sweetheart of the pack but we all saw the love in your father's eyes when he looked at her so she joined his pack. They made your brother and then you. When the news passed on that your mother died, we were devastated. Your father came to me, three years after your mother died and told me that the genes passed onto you. He told me to protect you before the hunters that were after him found you. The royals protected him. I think they still have him under their care. I was going to join you in my pack next month but destiny brought you here, I guess. I'm sorry you had to go throught that abuse and the reason for you running away. Although, you'll be the most powerful person in our kind in two months time."

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