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I just want to say thanks to all my readers because yesterday I had like 10 reads and today its above 200 so I really appreciate it. Please vote or comment or ask any questions, I'll be sure to answer them.


Shit! What the hell am I suppose to do? It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he wants to talk about. I cleared my throat and looked at him.

"About what?" I decided to play dumb, just to see where this is going because he said he knows about my angel/wolf so I wanna see what exactly he knows.

"About how all the water was drained from the rogues body when you looked at him and I know you did something so don't even lie to me."

Well fuck!

"Lets talk inside. Yes, lets go inside. You're probably tired. Sleep is always good."

He glared at me and walked inside towards his office. I silently followed him. He slammed the door and took deep breaths. I  decided to distract myself, the walls of the office were very interesting right now.

"Your office is very nice. Who constructed it? What material is your walls made out of?" I questioned him.

"Anne! Stop trying to change the subject! We know you don't give a fuck about the walls so just sit and answer all my fucking questions!"

I scowled at him but followed his 'orders'. He sat opposite me and began interrogating me.

"What the hell are you?" Well, he's blunt. How about trying to get it out of the person slowly? No, that's just wasting time! Ask them what they are one time! Great job, Alpha!

I decided to tell him everything to avoid more questions.

"Ok well, I'm gonna talk and you are going to listen and by listen I mean shut up, " he nodded and I began, "I'm a werewolf/angel because my dad was a werewolf and my mom was an angel. As you know, they're both dead but really the royalties have my father. I didn't tell anyone because the men who took him told me not to. I got abused because of my father's apparent death but I didn't tell them. I guess I was too shocked to tell them because I never thought Eric was capable of that."

"Anne Eri-" I shook my head and raised my hand up telling him to be quiet, "As I was saying, I was abused. I hoped one day they'll realize what they're doing and stop but they didn't. I stayed though, I didn't want to leave Eric although I hate him so much now. When you came, I was esctatic, thinking you'll save me from the hell I live in but you used me for sex and was going to reject me that day but I rejected you first. I thought you were just like them so I ran away after my wolf made her notice. Damon found me and took me because he smelt Emmy. They cared for me and made me like this. Also, my wolf is black and my angel is beautiful. I have powers due to me being the white angel including: visions, compulsion, water and fire, reading people and many others I can't explain."

He was just staring at me when I was finished. He stood up and I thought he was going to leave but he lifted me up and sat back down with me on top him. He pushed his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry." he said after a few minutes of silence. I laughed and and turned to look at him, "There's nothing to be sorry for and even if there was, it wasn't your fault and I'm actually happy I ran away because look how things are now except for my brother/sister relationship. Anywho.... Any questions?" He immediately nodded.

"Where is your father now?"

"With the royalties, he's a loyal guard right now. He says he's coming back but..."

He nodded, "And your mother? Is she alive also?"

"I honestly have no idea. Scott says she's dead but I don't know what to believe."

" If your father is alive, why didn't you just tell them instead of letting them abuse?"

"Partly because the men who took him told me not to because he sounded serious about the royalties not wanting anyone to know but mostly because I was shocked that Eric would actually do that to me. And because they wouldn't believe me anyway."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. Hell, when I was actually there I let them do that to you." he said looking down. I pecked his cheeks and told him to continue.

He cleared his throat, "Is it true you nearly had a miscarriage?" It was barely audible. He was looking anywhere but my eyes right now. I directed his face towards mine and answered truthfully, "Yes but that was because of the stress. It is partly your fault but most of it was mine."

"Did you, you know, be with anyone else?" he shyly asked. I chuckled and answered sarcastically, "Yes, I turned into Melissa and fucked everything with a dick."

He growled and pushed me into him more. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I didn't even look at any boys. I didn't feel the need to but did you?"

"I growled at any she-wolves that came close to me. I wouldn't do that to you." I smiled brightly at him.

" Can I see your angel?" I nodded enthusiastically at him. I looked around the office and frowned.

"The office is too small and I can't shift outside in case anyone sees me." I explained.

"Its okay. Shift in the office." I stood up and walked a couple feet away from him.

My angel came to life and spread her wings happily knowing her mate wants to see her. I felt my hair colour change to its beautiful blonde and my eyes to blue. I heard him gasp and walk towards me.

"You're beautiful." he simply said. My angel gushed. He caressed my wings. "Its gigantic." I smirked. He admired me from head to toe. He passed his hands through my now blonde hair and stared at my blue eyes. I felt like a science experiment.

I shifted back and my angel was giggling uncontrollably in my head.

"What's wrong with you?"

She blushed and answered confidently, "He called us beautiful."


She's amazing, extraordinary and incredible. I love her so much! Her angel is beautiful. I haven't seen her wolf but I can tell its also beautiful.

She's warming to me but I'm worried that when people find out about her powers, they'll hunt her.  I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep her and Emmy safe because if something happens to them I don't know what I'll do.

I'm proud of her. I just hope she forgives Eric. I saw what happened to him when she left, he was a mess. Always muttering things and cursing at everybody. He got rid of his player ways and moped around all day.

His relief was flowing in waves when he saw Anne in the hallways but when she basically told him that she  hates him, he nearly died.

Hopefully, everything will be alright but for now, we have to prepare for war because the rogues are working with hunters apparantly. I didn't tell Anne because I didn't want to worry her but  I think she'll find out soon.

I don't know what will happen in this war but I hope everyone will come out alive. Except for the rogues of course.



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