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Right now, I'm freaking out because today's my birthday. Its four o' clock in the morning and nothing came as yet. Not even a single drip of something. I'm dying with anxiety of not knowing what's going to happen. 'Anne, think of something else! Come on distract yourself' I mused.

During the last two months, I officially joined the Black Pack and am the best warrior although I'm not allowed to shift in front of anyone who doesn't know about me. Orders from the Alpha, Beta and TIC.

They became like my brothers I never had. They're over protective always demanding for me to take care of myself. I love them already. They always take care of me and never leaves me alone. I'm not romantically involved with anyone and I don't intend to.

Also the Night Pack, is the second strongest pack now. Apperently since a little someone escaped from the pack, the alpha has been a little bit mean and cruel. I don't know who that person could be? (note sarcasm once again).

Xavier is said to be heartless now and banished all the sluts and not useful people in the pack. I laughed so hard when I heard that. I mean, come on! Who wouldn't laugh? Its not everyday that sluts are kicked out of packs.

I also heard he's looking for Anne Martin. I don't know who that is! Do you? Eric is as usual is the same. If you're wondering how I know this, its because my current pack is allies with the Night pack and they keep tabs with each other.

They don't know the Night Pack has me but I hope they never realize it. My wolf longs for her mate but she understands that we need to be separated. Forever. My angel never came as yet but I'm hoping she will come within today.

And my breasts developed. Scott said it was because my angel was coming sooner and I'll become maturer because my supernaturals matured. I'm actually beautiful now. With my 5"11' height, long legs and rounded, bigger ass. I also have my long, wavy red hair and my eyes are now a darker grey with my hips and waists wider and fuller.

When I checked the  time again, it was six o' clock. I didn't realized I was thinking for so long. I got  up to run my daily distance around the territory.

Yes, I'm fit now. I mean, I have to be, I'm the best warrior. I'm a bit not humble. If I don't like you, I'll tell you and if I think you're a bitch, wannabe, slut, hoe, whore, attention seeking whore, I'll tell you.

I may sound like a bitch but I'm actually really nice. I'm the bestestest friend ever. I was cut out from my thoughts when a pain erupted in my stomach. Then, I felt like my spine was breaking.

I screamed in agony. I gripped onto the bed and screamed louder. My eyes were tightly shut as I cried quite loudly.

Damon, Scott, Chase and Tyler rushed into the room. They looked at me in panic. Scott moved towards me and carried me in the backyard.

I fell to the floor feeling my hair and eyes changing. My spine was the worst. It felt like someone was breaking it into a thousand pieces.I squeezed the dirt on the ground, feeling like I was being tortured.

The pain gradually stopped after half an hour and I stood up slowly after trying for four times and falling back down. I looked at them and they stared at me in shock and adoration and Scott had disbelief and astonishment flowing freely in his eyes.

"What?" I asked and immediately gasped. My voice sounded velvity and not like my normal voice. I cleared my throat and tried again bit it was the same sound.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Because you're beautiful" Tyler said as he handed me a mirror. I looked at myself and smiled brightly.

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