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-Chapter 23

Anne's POV

"Cool down, Anne. We're right here and Xavier is right there. Nothing will harm you." My angel told me.

"Yea, and they're our parents. Why would they harm us?" my wolf barged in. I sighed and closed my eyes.

Apparently when we were walking towards the pack house, I freaked out and ran to my room and locked it. I don't know what came over me but it was too much. I knew Xavier was outside the door debating on breaking it down or waiting for me to come out. He called a few times but I told him to shut up so he's quiet now.

"Baby, I'm right here. I will not allow them to harm or upset you." He sounded heart broken.

"Plea-Please come out. Let me protect you."

"I c-cant." I whispered, knowing he'll hear me, "What if they tell me they don't want me or came to kill me or take Ryan away from me."

"You're listing the negatives, love. Think of the positives. Your real parents are here. Your family is together again. They can help protect our pup. Our pups. Please baby, give them a chance. For me."

"I hate you so much." I sighed, opening the door. He smirked and pulled me into him.

"I love you too."

"Come on. They probably think we ran away and eloped." He chuckled but didn't comment. Come on, Anne! You are a warrior! You are a natural Luna! You are the fucking Princess of the Royals!

"That's a good pep talk." My angel decided to make her presence known again.

"Well of course we'll make our presence known now. Our mate was talking to us. It's rude to talk when our mate is talking to us. Didn't your mother teach you manners?"

"No, my fake one was 'apparently' dead and my real one was in the palace hiding. I'm afraid they didn't have time to teach me manners."

"I'm sorry Anne. I forgot." My angel and wolf stated at the same time.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I snapped."

"Babe, they're right there." Xavier interrupted while pointing towards his office doors.

"Stay with me. Please."

"I was gonna stay even if you didn't want me to." He kissed the side of my head, "Emmy is sleeping so you don't have to worry."

"Emmy is always sleeping." I chuckled.

He motioned towards his office and I exhaled. Quite loudly.

He opened the door and there stood Ryan, Eric, a really large man and a petite woman. Behind the large man was another petite woman but she looked oddly familiar.

"Annabelle." She gasped out. I looked behind me to see if there is another person named 'Annabelle' but no one was behind me. I looked at her and pointed at myself.


She laughed with tears in her eyes. She tackled me in a hug whispering her apologies.

I awkwardly patted her back not knowing what to do. Xavier chuckled softly and my confusion. I glared at him.

He instantly shut up and looked at the ground.

He's so whipped.

"I'm so sorry, my dear. We loved you very much but we had to let you go because we loved you. They were threatening us and it was many of them. We couldn't risk an attack with you being right there." She sniffled.

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