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Chapter 25

I woke up to someone jumping on top of me. I groaned and tapped Xavier's to stop but it wasn't him.


"Baby girl, what are you doing?" he asked huskily while looking softly at his pup currently trying to kill me. She giggled and jumped on top of him.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she squealed. He chuckled and sat up, making it more comfortable for Emmy.

This was a site. My mate, who is normally only grunting and growling, smiling and being the 'dinosaur' with our pup being the 'dinosaur' slayer, without a care in the world.

I instinctively put my hand on my growing stomach. It's not big enough to be noticeable but it's definitely not flat.

Xavier watched my hand and his smile broadened. He pulled me into him and kissed my head softly.


"Yea baby?"

"Is my baby brother growing inside your tummy?"

I looked at her curiously. Well, I guess I can't say I'm surprised. She knows everything.

"Yes. Who told you that?" I asked while caressing her cheeks.

"I feel him, mummy. Sometimes I hear him talk to me in my head." She said excitedly.Well then. He talks to her? He shouldn't know how to talk? He's not even fully developed yet.

"What does he say sweetheart?" Xavier asked her, not looking confused at all.

"That he's coming now. And that he senses danger. He's scared, daddy. Why is he scared?" she sobbed.

Xavier looked awkward.

Of course he'll look awkward and not know what to do. That's what men do; make the child cry and then carry the crying child by the mother to shut her up.

"Ummm....Anne?" he coughed. I glared at him and took Emmy in my arms.

"Shh baby. Everything's okay." I rubbed her back.

"Then why is he scared mama?" he sniffled.

"Bad people are being bad." The ass said.

Really? That's what he would say.

Bad people are being bad? What the fuck?

I looked at him, quietly saying, 'really? That's what you'll say?'

He smiled innocently and took Emmy from me.

"Baby girl, don't worry. I'm here and the bad guys are not going to scare you. I'm gonna protect you. I'll always protect you. After all, I'm the big bad wolf." He boasted.

She giggled and hugged him tighter. He opened his arms waiting for me to lean into him. I did and that's how Ryan found us.

"What the fuck are you doing? Planning to get my sister pregnant, Night? Wait! You already got her pregnant.... Twice! What? You're trying to get twins! Trying to put another sperm into her!"

He didn't see Emmy. This bastard.

"Mummy, what's a sperm?"

Ryan looked guilty but covered it with a smirk. What is he smirking about? I will get arrested for murdering my twin brother.

"Well Emilia, you, my dear, was once a sperm." He chuckled.

"You bastard!" I lunged at him. I tackled him to the ground, punching him. Of course not hard because I'm and angel/werewolf/royal; I could kill him.

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