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He dropped me on the bed and walked into the bathroom. I layed in the bed thinking everything through. I realized that some things in my life are going good and the rest are just horrible.

1. Eric is not my brother. I don't know how to feel about this. I'm supposed to be sad but I'm happy. In fact, I'm elated. I don't have to deal with him again.

2. Ryan is my brother. He's protective. He already loves me. My twin brother actually is here. He treats me like a brother is supposed to treat his sister. I feel loved and its a good feeling. So this is a good thing.

3. My--Eric's father is crazy. He believes I'm his daughter and people abused me so he wants revenge. He plans to kill my mate's pack and the Black Pack and then take me to be a family. He really is crazy. Bad thing.

4. My real parents are the King and Queen of the royals. Hunters are after me. Eric hates me and I need to protect Emmy. Eric's mother died and he thought she died giving birth to me.

Shit! Eric doesn't know anything as yet.

My head began hurting as I thought of all of this. Xavier didn't come back in the room as yet so I decided to close my eyes and relax. I stayed like that for about five minutes until I heard the bathroom door open. I sat up and stared at Xavier. Shirtless.

He only had on his briefs and I could see his package. My wolf stirred alive. She needed her mate.

Xavier caught our arousal and his head snapped in my direction. His eyes turned pitch black as lust swirled in them. He walked towards us and stopped when he reached the end of the bed. I distinguished the distance between us as I crawled to him and sat on my knees so my head is in level with his shoulders due to him standing up and me on the bed.

I trailed my fingertips down his chest and back up. He's so sexy, its unbelievable. He shivered under my touch and closed his eyes trying to control his wolf. He grabbed my wrists stopping my movements and held them in front of me.

"Anne, I won't be able to control myself and you need to rest with all the information you heard today." he said huskliy still trying to get rid of his lust. I pulled my hands out of his grip and wrapped them around his neck. I pulled him closer to me.

"Distract me then." I whispered in his ear, gently biting and pulling his earlobe.  That was all it took for him to push me back on the bed and hover over me. I giggled as he nuzzled my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me.

"Are you sure because I know you're emotional right now and I might lose control and what if you want me to stop and I don't?" he began rambling.

I crashed my lips to his. He immediately responded and tightened his hold on my waist. We fought for dominance at first but then moved in sync withe each other. He pulled away from me shaking his head and looking at me with sad eyes.

"I can't, I'm sorry, I can't take advantage of you." he said quietly. I put my hands on his cheek and directed his face towards mine.

"I think I'm taking adavantage of you. Distract me." I said sharply. He shook his head, trying to get up from the bed. The only way to get him is to........

"Fine, I'll just find someone else to do it."

His head snapped to mine. He growled lowly, his eyes turning darker by the minute. I could see the anger in his eyes.

"What did you say?" he growled out. He positioned himself straddling me again. This time, his face was by my ear and his hands were roughly caressing my body. I kept a brave face though.

"I said that I'll find someone else to do it." I repeated slowly. His hands reached my entrance although his head is by my mark, gently licking it.

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