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Michael turned his face to Ryan, "How the fuck will you know that she's the life of the party?" Ryan looked equally confused as the rest of us.

I'm pissed. Majorly pissed. This bitch has some nerve. Ryan tightened his hold on Michael when he tried to get off, "Baby..." Michael glared at him, "What?"

"I don't even know who she is!" He cried out. Michael's jaw clenched, "Are you even gay?" He whispered brokenly.

"No!" Tyler scoffed, "He used to accuse me of  being gay but look whose gay now. Reality sucks, doesn't it?" 

Ryan growled, "Shut the fuck up!" Tyler opened his mouth to reply but Damon growled, "Tyler, this isn't any of your concern. Now, can you please shut your mouth and go sit in a corner."

He rolled his eyes but stayed quiet. Michael raised his eyebrows at Ryan, "Are you?"

He sighed, "I wasn't..." Michael swallowed loudly and moved to get up, " But then I found you, and realized that I'm in love with you so yea...for you, I'm gay." He finished.

Nice choice of words, brother. Nice choice of words.

I looked back at her, "Do you make it your mission to tear mates apart?" I growled. She laughed, "Is that any way to treat your cousin?"

"Tiffany?" Ryan gasped. He shot up and hugged her, "What are you doing here? I thought you were dead." Ryan hugged her while I sat there with my mouth  agape.

She smirked, "They said I'm too much trouble so they sent me here to live a 'normal' life." Tasha  scoffed, "I think you're confused. A normal life isn't a slut's life." She smirked, "In case you didn't know."

"Sweety.." Tiffany laughed, "I've lived in this game a little over four hundred years....I could kill you fifty different ways and still make it look like an accident and you won't even have to time scream, 'Help.' "

Chase growled at his mate being threatened. Xavier sighed, " How bout you call it a night? We'll stay here and try to get her out."

They hesitated but eventually left. So now it was Ryan, Michael, Tiffany, Xavier, Eric and me.

" How didn't I notice you before?" Ryan asked astonished. Tiffany laughed and for once, she was....real.

"Dyed my hair, cut it, got contacts and practiced the art of control." She chuckled. I still didn't like her, "So if you're my cousin, why did you abuse me, sometimes...and sleep with my mate and kiss him today?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Truly, I didn't know you were Annabelle until you came back and I kissed your mate to spice up your relationship." She laughed, "He was under a spell though... The alpha thought he was kissing you."

This girl is completely and utterly mad.

"But....I'm here to help you fight. And win. Now where's your mother? I haven't seen my aunt in ages?"

She was about to walk away but Eric stopped her, "Wait!" She looked at him, eyebrows raised, "Are you even going to acknowledge the fact that you're my mate?" he whispered.

Wait what?

" I mean....I knew since I turned eighteen but I didn't know you knew....but it looks like you did know so are you going to ignore the fact that I'm your mate or are you going to come with me tonight?" Eric asked sharply.

Tiffany gasped, "I thought I hid my scent." She muttered.

"What is with this fucking family only hiding their freaking scent from their mates? Is it a tradition or something?" Michael exasperated.

I laughed along with everyone except Eric. He raised his eyebrows, "We'll talk tonight but I want to visit my aunt right now...." She watched him, " Can you wait until later?" He nodded reluctantly.

Good. That's good. That's great.

"Okay guys! Let's go! We have a war to get ready for!" I said excitedly. I left the room, heading towards Emmy's room to tuck her in. She should be asleep by now though.

And that she was. I kissed her forehead and closed the door. I hope she's safe tomorrow. My pup too. I instinctively our my hand on my stomach while walking towards my room.

I sensed Xavier there already. I'll have to face him sometime so I guess it'll be now. I walked into the room and instantly noticed him sitting on the bed, face in his hands.

I inhaled deeply and walked into the closet without saying anything. I changed my clothes and reluctantly put my mate's jersey on. Although I'm supposed to b mad at him for kissing my 'cousin', it wasn't his fault. He was under a spell and anyway....his clothes are the most comfortable thing in my closet.

I walked back out and our eyes met. He looked broken and sad. I shook my head and looked down. Walking towards the bed, he stood up. I ignored him and sat down.

"Anne?" He whispered. I shut my eyes and inhaled. Give him a chance. It wasn't his fault. You need him. You don't know what'll happen tomorrow. 

"Yea?" I looked at him. He walked towards me and pulled me by my waist. I closed my eyes and relaxed against my mate. His head in my neck and mine against his chest. 

We needed this. I needed this. 

"Promise me you'll be okay....." he pulled back and put his hand flat against my stomach,"There's no point in asking you not to fight because that'll be useless but please....if if by some miracle I'm not there to protect you...protect yourself and my pup." he whimpered, tightening his hold on my stomach. 

"Don't worry about me during this fight because I cannot raise three children without you."I cupped his face, "If I do die, take care of the best father you could and if she does get a stepmom and that stepmom is mean to my  child...I will come back and haunt your ass." 

He chuckled, "That won't be necessary because you're not going to die." 

Reality kicked in and I realized that we're still standing. I pushed him on the bed and climbed next to him. My face was buried in his chest again as my arms went around him. 

"I'm scared." I admitted. He brought me closer to him, "We all are baby girl but we have to rest so we could be at our best tomorrow."

"What about the patrols tonight?" He smiled, "They have shifts sweetheart....they'll get their sleep." 


"Again!" I shouted. They groaned but complied when they saw my glare. We don't have enough time to be lazy. Exactly five hours again until the full moon.

When they've finished the laps, I dismissed them. Xavier gave me strict instructions not to over stress them. So they can go rest now. 

I walked into the pack house and saw Xavier talking to Tiffany. I didn't get upset because Eric's hands were around Tiffany. Guess they're good now.

"Everyone ready for this fight?" 

They smirked, "Let's kick some rogue ass!"

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