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A howl was heard while I was looking for Anne. That's a battle howl. I immediately called out for Anne. They're attacking now! Out of all the times, they'll attack now!

"All females, get the children and go to safety now! Stephanie get Emilia and protect her! I swear to God if anything happens to my pup, I will slaughter you!"

I heard choruses of 'yes alpha'.

"Alpha! Anne just fell down. She's not with me. Its like she's in another world." Eric panicked in my head.

"Where are you?" I demanded.

"North of the lake, Alpha!" I ran towards my mate while looking for any rogues. My men are already in fighting positions, its only me and Eric who's not there.

I reached her and Alpha Damon was there as well. What the hell is he doing here?

"My men are there waiting for a fight , I'll carry her to safety." I examined her for injuries before nodding.

"What? You're not taking my sister!" Alpha Damon looked annoyed.

"I was more of a fucking brother to her than you so don't think you can come and just push yourself in her life again because we're gonna make sure you won't" he growled.

He ran away with Anne in his arms. I told Eric to follow me and we were now running towards the battlefield.

I wonder what vision she saw?


I jumped up screaming. I was immediately told to be quiet and realized I was in the safe room underground.

The vision came back to me and I nearly fainted. My dad was alive and was the ruler of the rogues. What the hell? In the vision, an unfamiliar man told my dad that I will soon be with them and my father said something about his daughter and someone shouted, 'shes not your daughter.' The vision ended like that.

"Anne, are you okay?"  Sara asked. Emilia!

"Where's Emmy?" I looked around panicking.

"Luna, Alpha Xavier ordered me to take care of her." I relaxed when I noticed my sleeping baby in Stephanie's hands. She's an elderly woman in the pack. She was always nice to me.

"What's going on?" I asked Sara but before she can answer the metal door to the safe house flew open and a man stepped inside, "What's going on is that we're gonna take you and no one will be able to stop me."

As soon as he said that, cans filled with sleeping gas were thrown into the room. All women were immediately knocked out and the last thing I remember is the man lifting me up and running into the forest with me.


The same rogues from the other night were here along with a couple more. The leader is still not here though. I can tell because they are all together, there's no one instructing them in front. We can tell that there's a leader because of how organized the rogues are but the leader isn't showing himself. Coward!

"Why are you on my land again?" I asked bordely. I have better things to do than to talk to them, "Or do I have to remind you of what happened last time time were here?"

Their smirks instantly fell and a scowl replaced it, "Where's your Luna, I bet she wants to see me again." the same boy said happily.

Some rogues walked into the forest but we didn't pay attention to them.

"Alpha Night, I don't want to fight you, I really don't but I would enjoy a cup of hot coffee. Do you think you can handle that?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked angrily. Rogues don't come into territories and pull 'small talk'. Are they even rogues?

"Now you may seem to think, we're just coming to waste time but have you thought that we could maybe be, I don't know, distractions."

I was confused for a minute before a scream was heard  through the forest. Anne!

"Kill as many as you can!" I ordered my men. Damon did the same thing because soon everyone was fighting. The rogues ran back into the forests though so it was more of a chase than fight. I didn't have time to observe because I shifted and ran towards the safe house.

When I reached down, the door was burst open and everyone was knocked out. There was an unfamiliar gas in the air and I noticed it as sleeping gas. I saw Emilia but Anne isn't there.

I began panting. Where the hell is she? I searched the entire house and she wasn't there.

"Look for my mate!" I roared. I saw red and ran into the forest trying to track ber scent. I smelt blood and its not rogues' blood. Its my fucking mates blood!

The trail led until a road and it just disappeared. I howled loud enough for our neighbouring territories to know my mate has been kidnapped and I will kill whoever has her.

I just got her back and I'm not losing her again.

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