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He lifted me bridal style and carried me to his room. I know this was wrong but lust is clouding my vision and I'll probably die if I don't have my mate with me during my heat.

Heat is the most painful thing a female wolf could go through. Heat is to speed up the marking process and it can come anytime and last for however long it wants to stay.

He threw me on the bed and spread my legs. He came between my thighs,  hovering over me. Slowly, we leaned into each other and our lips crashed. It became more intense and rougher at the second and I'm loving it. He spread my legs more and the scent of  my arousal is probably being spread into the entire village by now.

He kissed down my jaw, to my sweet spot. He familarized himself with all my sweet spots. I moaned and arched my back. He socked harder and the pleasure was incredible.

His hands snaked under my singlet and ripped it in half. I'm now in my black lace bra and jeans. He passed his rough big hands slowly on my stomach to the sides of my breast and massaged me.

He removed my bra and kneeded my breast. He lowered his hands until he popped my buttons and at a torturingly speed, he pulled it down.

I'm now only in my lace underwear. He looked at me and growled lowly. He muttered, "So beautiful."

He rubbed me through my panties and I felt myself grow wetter and wetter. He smelt me and groaned.

"I have to taste you." he growled. He angled his face by my area and licked slowly. He groaned once again and mutterred,  "You taste so good"

He continued licking me while his hands roughly pinched my clit. I  moaned loudly as I arched my back and pushed myself more into him.

He inserted his tongue into me and was fucking me with his tongue.I was flowing freely now.

"You can do this later. Fuck me please" I begged. I dont care if I'm sounding like a needy slut right now. I want him.

He removed his jeans and briefs and the familiar size of him filled my vision. He thrust into me without warning and God it felt good!

I raised my hips.trying to get closed to him. We were moving in sync as he pounded in and out of me, hard, fast and rough.

I needed this. I craved this! I screamed in pleasure as I climaxed and he soon came after.

He kissed me gently before pulling out and laying down next to me. I looked up at him and that was all it took for a second rounds to start.

Then a third, fourth, fifth and sixth. After the sixth time, we finally tamed each other's beast. It was three in the morning when we were finished.

I was awoken by Xavier gently caressing my face. Emmy is with Sara for this week because my heat has to break before I get into physical contact with anyone but my mate.

"I missed you so much." he muttered as my eyes fluttered open. My angel swooned at this. Since last night and early this morning, she fell completely in love with him as well as my wolf. Me, on the other hand doesn't know what to do. I returned yesterday and I already had sex with him but he truly missed me and he didn't sleep with anyone for three years. I have to give it to him, I'm proud.

I smiled at him and his eyes shone brighter. He pecked my lips and got up. A whimper passed my lips, the last time this happened, I rejected him. Memories of that day flashed through my mind and I felt the tears developing.

He immediately pulled me back to him and whispered in my ear, "I'm here. I'm here baby. I'll never leave you."

"Where were you going?" I quietly asked. It was barely audible but he heard it. He chuckled and responded, "To the shower but you can come with me if you want."

I blushed and looked down. I pointed to the bathroom door with my head still down and I heard his footsteps walking towards it while his laughter filled the room. Due to my heat, I'll be more emotional.

As the shower turned out, a pain erupted in my  back. It spread to my entire body and even I smelt my own arousal.

"Mate! Go to mate!" they chanted in my head like some sort of fucking ritual. I stayed on the bed with my mind focusing on controlling my scent so no one would smell it.

With that as my distraction, my wolf took over my body. I was pushed to the back of my own head while she walked towards the shower.

"Give me back control now!" I demanded.

"I'll give it back once we're with mate." she growled.

We pushed open the shower door and was met with Xavier's shocked face. He smelt me and growled. I gained my control again as he pulled me to him.

His head was in the crook of my neck while his hands were on my ass. May I remind you that we're both naked. He groaned and I got wetter.

"I love your arousal, kitten." he growled out. His voice was deep and husky. My arousal strengthened.

He pushed me against the wall and kissed me roughly. I jumped and wrapped my bare legs around his torso. My hands snaked around his neck whereas his hands moved between my thighs.

He collected my juices while kissing me and pushed two fingers inside me. I pulled away from the kiss and arched my back. Moans after moans were escaping from my lips as he fucked me with his fingers. He deepened his hickey on my neck from last night and added a third finger. It hurt a bit but with me being on heat, it just added to the pleasure.

He finally thrust his entire cock into me and I screamed. He pounded into me at a vigorous speed and I went to heaven and came back. (with difficulty)


After that heated shower, he went downstairs for food for me. I couldnt go because my skin burns if anyone but my mate touches me and if any unmated male wolves smell me, all hell will break loose.

We spent the entire day in his room watching movies, eating and mating. He still has to mark me but I still need some time.

Unkown Person's POV

"We will attack on full moon and get revenge on the Night Pack!" I shouted. My army of rogues cheered and howled.

There is a total of four hundred rogues in this army and we will be attacking on full moon. We are attacking so far from now because Anne is in heat and I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of her during the attack.

I will kill anyone who interferes with Anne. It is my job to protect her and when I get her and Emilia, we will be happy and free. After my wife died, my only goal in life was to protect Anne and Emilia. I may not be related to her but I love her like my own.

I will also kill the previous alpha of the Black Pack. I was going to plan two attacks, one on each pack but it looks like luck was on my side when they decided to helped each other.

On the night of the Full Moon, I will get you, my sweet daughter!

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