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Right now, Xavier's wolf and I were lying down on the bed wrapped up in each other. He didn't want to change back because he never really talked to me. He's so sweet aand possessive but I love it. My head is on his bare chest and our legs are mixed up together. He's playing with my hair and I'm drawing small circles on his chest. His back is against the headboard so he's kinda sitting. I'm in peace right now.

"When did Xavier lose his virginity?" I asked him. Xavier always changes the subject whenever I ask him but I can easily seduce his wolf knowing how lovestruck he is with me.

I felt him stiffen, "Lets talk about something else, baby." I looked at him and straddled him with my hands around his neck. Tears developed in my eyes, "Yo-You d-on't want to t-tell me." I said while sniffling with the tears running down my cheeks.

"Don't cry, baby. Please don't cry. I'll do anything for you to be happy. Please don't cry." he begged. I sobbed loudly, "You don't love me! Why don't you just tell me?"

I moved to get off him but he held me in place. He wiped my tears and then pulled me to him. He bit my lip and used it as an advantage to shove his tongue into my mouth. I pressed myself closer to him and moaned loudly. All too soon, he pulled away.

"You okay?" I nodded, "I love you so much. Don't you ever doubt that" I nodded once again and stuffed my face into his chest. Of course, I wasn't really crying and he knew that too, but he didn't want to see me cry. I told you he was a sweetheart. With me, surely, with others, not so sure.

"I think he lost it at fifteen or sixteen. Either one I'm not sure and the person he lost it with was some girl from the Dark Dust Pack,  I think she was a trainer." he said softly. I nodded and decided not to ask any more questions. I know I will get jealous because I'm also a possessive type but it will be my fault because I asked so I kept quiet.

"Please say something." he begged. I looked at him with amusement in my eyes. He thought I would be angry because I wasn't Xavier's first or second or third or fourth or fifth or sixth. I felt myself getting getting angry so I sighed and shut my eyes breathing in his intoxicating scent.

"If it makes you better, you were my first, well your wolf because I  didn't mount any other she-wolf." I laughed and inhaled. He really is something.

"How many times did he sleep with Melissa?" he snorted but answered anyway, "Twice but he always pictured it was you not her so he actually never really slept with her."

"That bitch and her annoying squeaky voice." he muttered after. I giggled and shoved his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and positioned me so my back is against his chest and I'm leaning back so basically I'm lying on top him but we're sitting/leaning. This is heaven.

"I'm glad you think so." Of course, he can hear me through mindlink if he wants. I'll have to put up a block.

"You're not gonna do that. I need to make sure you're safe." he said in my head.

"But try not to intrude please because I know Xavier will always try to listen to what I'm thinking." He caressed my cheeks with undisguised adoration shining in his eyes.

"Xavier wants back control. I have to go." He said softly. This was really nice. I never thought a night with Xavier's wolf would be this nice. I actually want to do it again.

"Me too." I glared at him as he chuckled. He pecked my lips before slowly losing control. I watched as his eyes changed back to its brown and his canines disappearing. I smiled at Xavier as he pecked my lips once again.

"I think you're the first person who talked to a wolf for three hours straight." he joked. I laughed along with him because its true. Not most people talk to their mate's wolf. I don't understand why because without them, we won't even have mates.

"I love you too." Xavier muttered, I looked at him. I think my eyes were shining brightly with love and affection. He must of heard me talk to his wolf.

"I told your wolf that I love him before I told you." I chuckled. He didn't though.

"That's actually better because it shows you trust us." I smiled softly and layed against him.

"I hope this war will just come and go with no deaths." I whispered. He kissed my forehead, "It happens, wars I mean, especially with rogues but everyone will be fine."

"My-- Eric's dad though, I can't believe he's controlling this. For what? To get me back. Ryan said that he's mentally unstable. Probably he is, but my real parents. Where are they? Why aren't they here? Their only children are going to be in war. Why can't they just act like the parents I actually want? I feel bad for Eric though, although he is a complete abusive bastard, his father is a physco and his real mother is with my real parents because she agreed to protect me by faking her death." I was sobbinh by the time I finished. Reality is a bitch. No, life is a bitch. Why does all this have to happen to me.

"Its okay, baby. Its gonna be okay. You and Emmy will be safe during the war and I'm gonna try to keep everyone alive including myself for you okay? You have to trust me." he said calmly. I pressed more into him and he wrapped his arms around my entire body, I guess  trying to shield me from the world.

That's what I need, a shield from the world. Because the world right now, is my number one enemy.

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