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"Stay here." Xavier ordered as he put on his clothes. I glared at him and copied his actions. I was not going to stay here like fucking Barbie while Ken goes to fight!

"I am Luna of the Black Pack and head warrior of the Night Pack. I am fighting." I demanded. I rushed out the door, not giving him chance to say anything. 

I walked into Sarah's room looking for Emmy. She wasn't there. Where is she? Xavier felt my panic because he came too. 

"Where the fuck is she?" He roared. Sarah looked afraid but her Luna blood didn't let her cower. Damon, Tyler and Chase rushed into the room. 

"Rogues! A lot of them!" Chase breathed out. Xavier didn't seem to hear that. Neither did I because our child is still not in our eye sight.

"Somebody tell me where the fuck Emilia is or I tear everything apart! Including your heads from your bodies!"

"Xavier baby calm down." I intertwined our fingers.

"If you gave me a chance to explain, Emilia is with Stephanie. With all the children and elders. In the safe house." 

He immediately rushed out the room towards the safe house. We have about five minutes before they reach into our territory. 

When I reached, I mentally cheered because they didn't lock the doors yet. That would've been a bitch to open. Hence, it's the safe. 

"Emmy, baby, I want you to be quiet and stay right here until daddy or mummy comes to get you alright?" He crouched down until he reached her height.

She nodded, "What going on, daddy?" 

"Nothing baby. But are you alright? If you're hungry, just tell Staphanie, she'll take you to the fridge. There are beds here, so you just sleep and everything will be alright." He kissed her forehead. 

"Remember you're our princess. And the princess has to be safe. Daddy's gonna fight the bad dragons now ok?" 

She nodded, "Love you." 

He smiled, "I love you so much baby." 

He looked at Stephanie, "Take care of my child Stephanie." He ordered. 

"I love you baby." I whispered. She hugged me when I bent down and whispered, "Fight and win, mummy." 

I kissed the side of her head and walked out with Xavier. He shut the door, put the password in and we watched as the silver walls covered the room. 

I kinda also put a protection spell around the room so no one can get in. Good, so Emmy's safe. I looked at Xavier and saw him watching me already.

"Please be careful. Please. We don't know what they want." He cupped my face, "We don't know what they have." 

"I pecked his lips and leaned my forehead against his, "Don't die." He chuckled, "I'll try." 

We walked out hand in hand and noticed everyone standing on the battlefield. I noticed someone ie never thought I'd see again. Make that two people.

"Jessica." I sneered. She smirked and grabbed the man's hand, "Marcus." I said more cool. He glared, "That's not how you should address your father, Anne." 

My mind  was still caught up on this, "You're fucking Jessica. She young enough to be your great granddaughter."

"I guess you really were desperate Jessica to go after a man fifty times your age. What? I guess no one wanted a walking STD anymore." She gasped and glared at me. 

"Be careful, Anne. They have hunters." Ryan mind linked me. I nodded.

I looked around. Some rogues were shifted and some were in human form. Marcus was in front with Jessica and the hunters were no where to be seen.

This just made it more complicated because some of my powers don't work on humans, example compulsion. Great!" 

I made contact with one of the rogues and found him staring at me. Something about him was familiar. I don't know what though. 

"Your mouth will get you killed one day, Anne. But I'm here for you so........I don't know.......umm......Come." He said sarcastically. 

"I'd rather not." I said. Marcus stepped closer which means Jessica stepped closer which means Xavier, Ryan and Eric stepped in front of me. 

"Ahh.....Eric. Long time no see, son!" Marcus said sarcastically. 

Eric snorted, "It's funny how he's actually my father." 

I struggled to hold in my laugh. Marcus was about to lunge at us but Candice made herself known. He immediately stopped. We heard his intake of breath. 

"Candy," he whispered. 

Candice smiled, "Marky." She nodded. I guess the happiness in her eyes made Marcus eyes brighten. If he wasn't a deranged, mad, psychopath, evil, twisted, sick man; I would have said 'Awww.' But he is. 

"Marcus....." She sighed, "Why are you doing this?" His soft look hardened.

"Because of you. All of this..." He pointed towards the rogues and then us, "Is because of you. If you could've told Aurora, the Queen," he said with a distasteful look, "No'.....then you take their child and lied to me and fake died and then left me! You fucking left me! You didn't even think about me! You fucking selfish bitch!" He shouted.

" At least I didn't fuck sluts, just so my mate could feel pain. At least I didn't abuse you. At least I didn't wave my mistresses in front of your face. At least I didn't open my mind link to show you me fucking some bitch! And you say I'm the selfish one! You ungrateful jackass!" She roared.

The rogues didn't know what to do. We didn't know what to do. So everyone just stood still and watched the mates fight. Everyone except me. 

"Okay......shut up and listen. You came here to fight or to argue with your mate to see who is more selfish?" 

I would've used compulsion but it would've worn off by next week and then they'll be back so the best thing to do is behead them and burn their bodies. Simple right?

"Shut up slut! No one is talking to you!" Jessica shouted.

Candice tripped. 

"You take my mate. You fuck my mate. You do whatever you want with me and my mate but you do not disrespect my family." 

"Candice. Calm down." 

"Compel them. We don't have much time. We don't even know where the hunters are." 

"Marcus." He looked at me, "Leave the territory and never come back. Take your rogues with you and don't look back." I looked straight into his eyes, body and soul. 

He nodded, "Rogues. Leave. Now!" They whimpered and followed their leader's commands. Except one. The one that was staring at me. He stayed in his spot. Not dare moving an inch. 

"Rogue. I said m-" 

"Leave him." I interrupted, "leave him, Marcus and leave." He nodded and fled off the territory. 

"Shift." I commanded. 

The rogue shifted and a man smirked while watching me. 

"You don't remember me, sweet cheeks?" 

I gasped, "Michael?"   

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