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"Emmy! Come back here!" I shouted as she ran out the bathroom door and straight into her father. For a three year old, she does not like to bathe. I don't understand why. Xavier looked at me with questioning eyes and an idea clicked in my head. How didn't I think of  this before?

"Emilia, if you come to bathe, I'll show you some of my super cool powers" she squealed and jumped in the bathtub. She loves to see my powers. She'll do anything to see them.

Her rubber ducky was floating around in  the tub and Emmy grabbed it and began playing. I leaned back in my chair and began my magic show. I noted Xavier was still standing there watching me.

I moved my finger controlling the water. I created a heart in the air and Emmy blew it down but I turned it into bubbles. I wrote her name with water and froze it. She gasped and picked it up and began screaming, "Thank you Mummy!"

Xavier laughed at her cuteness. I drew a wolf above her and she began giggling because it was her favourite animal. I controlled the water so it looked like it was raining on top of her. She squirmed while collecting the droplets. I made a crown out of water and put it on top of her head.

I think that's enough. "Bathe, baby, bathe." I softly told her. She nodded and soaped up. After she was clean and dressed properly, I put her to sleep. It was late so she immediately fell into a deep slumber.

I walked back into our room and I felt arms wrap around my waist. I leaned into him and he rested his chin on my head. We were closer now, always together and never fighting. I didn't talk to Eric since I returned and I didn't mind but I'd like to build  a relationship with him. I need to get over my fear of him abusing me again because I can defend myself now but  I doubt he would hurt me again.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" he questioned with amusement laced in his voice.

"Eric." he immediately stiffened and I sighed. He's always begging me to talk to him and I always tell him flat no.

"Please. For me. I'll reward you later." he whispered in my ear. I shivered as he smirked knowing the effect he had on me.

"Oh, so your plan is to bribe me with sex in order to get what you want?"

He chuckled against my neck, " Its not bribing if you want it too."

"Yea it is, that's the point of bribing." I explained. He sighed and turned me around, " Shhh...." he whispered aginst my lips.

"Go talk to him." I glared, scowled and pouted after walking out the room towards Eric whose scent led me to the lake, I hated since I was small.  You may ask why I hate the lake so much, its because when I slapped Melissa a day for kissing Eric, they knew I couldn't swim so they dragged me to the lake and dropped me deep in the water. I almost drowned but one of the elders saved me. I never went close to that lake again.

I wonder what he's doing there? Probably replaying the time I almost drowned and laughing. Mostly expected. I decided to ignore my negative thoughts and went towards him.

"Eric." I whispered, hoping he wont hear me. So I could just say hes deaf and never talk to him again but luck wasn't on my side today.

"Anne." he said as he stood up from the log. We stared at each for a while until a howl was heard.

"Come back here now, Anne! A battle has started! Come now!" I heard Xavier shout. That was the last thing I heard before a vision crept upon me.


I decided to start a battle now because Anne was getting soft and almost forgave Eric. Of course this is not the battle where I'm gonna kill everyone but I sent the rogues to get Anne.  They're not going to know I'm there, not even Anne until the full moon. I just want to scare them.

You may wonder why I'm doing this. Well, its because the only good thing in my life is Anne after my cheating whore of a mate died. So I'm planning to get Anne back and avenge her.

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