Author's Final Note.

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So....yes this is the end guys. I don't really know what to say but I just lost hope throughout the book but it was a great least to me it is. 

And I wanna say thanks to all my readers, voters, commenters (although that wasn't many) and followers.

Even my silent readers. Thank you all so much. 

Ummm.....i guess the point of this is to tell y'all good news!!!!!!!!!




















I am making another book called "Imperfect".

And is a book about one of the couples from Rejection.

It's our favourite couple....

I'm gonna try harder in Imperfect that I did in rejection because I actually have experience now and I have hope..

Hope you enjoy ;)










RYAN AND MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes...I'm making a full book out of them. 

But Ryan isn't going to be the nice, funny Ryan we know and love. He's a different person at the castle. And you and Michael are going to find out just now. 


I'm gonna try really hard on this book and let's see how it turns out...

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