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Uncle. Many meanings. It could be a brother of one's father or mother, the husband of one's aunt, a pawnbroker or it could be an idiom for surrender. But I have a feeling that it was the first reason.

Xavier was going to run after him but I stopped him. If he really was my brother, he'll come back.

Why is Emmy the only one to tell who a person is?

We walked back to the packhouse in silence. Everyone was in the living room. We walked in and sat. The room was annoyingly silent. Tyler looked at me with sorry eyes and I smiled apologetically at him. He knows I have a temper but then will feel terrible after.

Everything made sense now. That's why we were so protective over him. He's my brother. But if he was my brother, then Eric is......

"Emilia, what did your wolf tell you?" Xavier asked as he lifted her into his arms. She giggled before answering, "That Ryan is family. Uncle. Mummy's family. My family."

I heard everyone's intake of breaths and I rested my head in my hands which were resting on my knees. I'm overwhelmed. I can't do anything right now but sleep. If someone pisses me off, I don't know what I"ll do.

"That's why you're protective of him? Right Anne?" Natasha asked. I looked at her and nodded. Tyler had a shocked look on his face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was your brother. I wouldn't have said anything to him." he began apoligizing. I smiled at him letting him know that I wasn't angry. As yet.

"Wait. If Ryan is your brother, he is Eric's brother too." I was about to say yes but my angel stopped me.

"No." she whispered. I'm not doubting her again so I repeated her word. They looked confused. I tried to avoid Eric's eyes.

"I don't think Eric is related to me" I whispered. I heard a chorus of 'what?' or 'why!'.

I figured they told Eric about my powers when they reached in the pack house because he asked, "So you and Ryan are related and two of you have powers and angels and black wolves!" I looked at him and he was more than irritated and angry, "Right?" he repeated annoyed, "Right?" a little louder, "Right?" full volume. I just shrugged but unlike everyone else, I expected his outburst. Just not so much.

"No! That's fucking bulllshit! You're my sister and our parents are dead! You're weak and you killed mom and dad so we abused you. Your mate rejected you because you're a fat, ugly bitch that killed her own parents when all I was trying to do all along was kill you to. You ran away and came back pretending to be all strong but we all know that you're still a weak motherfucker that still killed her very own parents." he said mockingly, "Lets not forget that you're also a slut that got knocked up at seventeen."

The next thing I knew was pushing him against the wall and the television smashing. I vaguely heard Xavier growling and Sara and Tasha carrying Emmy upstairs.

I created a vine holding him down to the wall so he couldn't move an inch. When I reached him, I slapped him so hard the sound of the slap travelled the entire territory. I got into his face with tears in my eyes, which I'm refusing to let fall and said calmly and dangerously, "Just remember beta, if I killed your parents at five years old, then I could easily kill you too. So I suggest you keep your mouth closed before I rip your eyes out of your face. Do you understand me?"

His eyes got wide as he remembered what he just said to me. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to sa-"

"Shut. up." I interrupted him. The vines were still preventing him from moving and they were impossible to move.

"I'll repeat myself, do you understand me?" I asked irritated. I wanted to kill him so bad. And nothing is stopping me because Emmy is upstairs. I was the only female in this room but I could kill all of them. He nodded and I sighed and walked out of the room after dropping the vines. I wanted to burn him alive but my good side stopped me.

"I know you need space so be careful babygirl. I love you." I heard Xavier say softly through mindlink. I didn't answer but it relaxed me a bit. I walked until I reached the lake and sat down, the same place where Eric was sitting three days ago. 

The words replayed in my head. I don't even know who are my parents anymore. If I have any.

"You're a fat ugly bitch that killed her own parents."

"You're a weak motherfucker."

"All along I was trying to kill you too."


I stayed there for about two hours just looking at the sky. I calmed down a bit so I went back into the packhouse. When I reached there, everyone except Emmy was in the living room, once again but there was one more person.

The one and only Ryan Micheal Richmond Junior. (if that's even his name).

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