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After seven days, of constant pain and Xavier coming to the rescue, I wonder about all the shit I'm doing. Seriously, he broke my heart and did horrible things to me and the second I'm back, we're having sex.

Its not my fault though. My heat came and if we didn't mate, I would've died. He didn't mark me and I'm still figuring out what to do with my life.

When I was sleeping, day and night, Xavier was with Emmy. They're really close now and Xavier looks happy. He loves Emmy so much. Anyone can feel it. His adoration is basically rolling off in waves.

Right now, I'm laying in bed looking at Xavier. Yesterday was my last day of heat and I don't know where that leaves me and Xavier. I really want to be with him although I know its wrong but the mate pull is too strong to deny. I guess that happens with mates.

We were made for each other. It doesn't matter what we did in the past. Its the future that matters now.

I know, Emmy's on my mind when I'm saying this but she needs a father and I know how it is to grow up without a parent by your side and I will not put my child through that.

I haven't talked or have seen Eric since his confession about being sorry and loving me but I cant just forgive him. You may ask why I'm forgiving Xavier and not Eric and the reason is because Eric abused me my entire life whereas all Xavier did was break my heart.

That's a horrible comparison. May be I shouldn't forgive him so easily. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Xavier pulled me closer to him as his eyes fluttered open.

"I think I'm gonna miss your heat." he joked and his award winning smile was on display. I traced his dimples with my fingers. I needed to be away from him. Everytime I'm near him, he clouds my vision and I cant think straight.

I sat up straight, my body untangling from his. He followed my actions and by the look on his face, he knew what was happening. I caressed his cheek then stood up and dressed.

I looked at him one last time before I exited the room. When o closed back the door, I leant against it and sighed. I heard his ferocious growl and the smashing of the lamp. I flinched from the sudden sound and as I was about to walk away, the door opened and an angry alpha stood there watching me.


Short chapter, I know but a lot of stuff is happening in the next chapter and I decided to put it all in the same chapter.

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