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I stared at them, one at a time. Xavier got stronger and sexier. God! He looked like he saw a ghost, athough their was relief in his eyes. Eric looked good also but their was regret and sadness swirling in his eyes.

Xavier's vision moved on Emmy. I pressed her closer to my chest and Xavier noticed this. He took a step closer to me but immediately stopped after the vicous growl emitted from me. He looked shock that I growled at him but when he saw the annoyance on my face, he looked down.

"Anne, this is your room sweetheart." Sara whispered softly. I turned to give her a thankful look but then all my attention was turned on Chase, Damon and Tyler running up the stairs.

"Get away from her!" Chase growled. The three of them stepped in front of me protectively. Xavier growled loudly and pushed all three of them away from me and brought me and Emmy to his chest.

"Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine." he chanted in my ear. He sniffed me and let out a low growl on approval. I relaxed against him but then relaized what I was doing and I stiffened.

"Its okay, Anne. I'm feeling the love and adoration rolling off him in waves. Give him a chance please.He never abused you. He fidnt know they abused you. He loves us." my angel and wolf said.

Its true but I cant just forgive him like that. I mean, I now returned. Its gonna take some time for one forgiving bone to pass through my body.

I took advantage of the situation and snuggled into him. We were in our own little world.

"Anne, what are you doing? He made you cry every night and he ruined you. Its his fault that you nearly had a miscarriage. What a-"

Tyler abut up immediately as I slapped him. His face turned to the side and it instantly bruised.

"I don't believe that's any of your business whether I did or did not have a misscarriage, Tyler. " I said threateningly.

He looked down ashamed and walked away slowly. They all did. They know when I'm mad, I'm not good company.

Soon, it was only Eric, Xavier, Emmy and me. That little encounter,  somehow awoken my baby and soon she was rubbing her eyes.

"Mummy, where are we?" she asked while rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. I chuckled at her and responded, "We're helping dadd-" I cleared my throat and said, " Uncle Damon baby."

She nodded her head and then noticed Xavier and Eric. Her eyes opened widely and she whispered, "Daddy."

How the hell did she know that? What the fuck is going on?

"Her wolf told her." my wolf helped me out.

"She has her wolf?" I asked.

"Not fully but she has a feeling its her father. Don't lie to pup."

I looked at Xavier and nodded and whispered, "Yes baby, this is your daddy."

She immediately jumped down from my arms, all sleepiness gone and ran into his arms. He lifted her up with ease and whispered in her ears, "Finally. You're both finally with me." she giggled and hugged him tighter.

"What's your name, beautiful?" she blushed and answered confidently, "Emilia Jordan Night". He looked at her with pure love in his eyes.

"Sara come take Emilia and carry her into the backyard to play please."  I mindlinked Sara. I needed to talk with Eric and mostly Xavier and I couldn't do that with Emilia here.

She came one minute later and took Emmy. Xavier let her because he knows we need to talk.

As soon as Emmy was out of sight, the idiots began to apologize.

"I'm so sorry Anne. I'm a complete ass for what I did to you but I promise, I'm gonna make it better. I love you so much and I really hope you forgive me because we only have each other and I need my little sister back." Eric said with tears in his eyes.

I looked at him boredly with one though going through my mind, "He's only now recognized this?"

I only looked at him with a blank face. Literally no emotions on my face.Probably annoyance and irritation but that's the only two if so much.

He looked even more sad and broken when he saw my expression less face. The tears finally fell from his red eyes.

"Anne." Xavier whispered. He didn't say anything, just walked up to me and sniffed me.

"God, I love your scent." he moaned. I blushed and tried to back away but he tightened his hold on me.

I gave up and relaxed against him. I noted that Eric left and it was only me and Xavier.

He knelt in front me and held my belly. He pushed his face into my belly and sighed.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I missed you so much. I'm not letting you go now. You made a mistake rejecting me and I know its my fault but I'm gonna make it better and I know everything about you, including your angel and black wolf but I love every single part of you and I will protect you."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was about to ask him and demand him to tell what and he knows but a pain in my stomach stopped me.

The pain was unbearable and I wanted Xavier inside me now. I realized what this was when I noticed Xavier's lust filled eyes. He stood up and held my cheeks. I leant into him because his touch sootheened the pain a little bit but I wanted more.

"My little mate, you're in heat." he growled with undisguised lust in his eyes.



The chapter is short but the next one will be longer and I want tto give a shout out ThatGirlAlmight. The next chapter will be a bit steamy so I'm warning you. You can skip it if you want.

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