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I sighed and sat on the couch. Eric was looking at me with tears in his eyes but I just rolled my eyes. I had no time for his shit. I looked at Ryan and he looked guilty but relieved.

I ran into him and hugged him. He pulled me tighter to him. I cried silently into his chest and he tried to soothe me, "I'm here. I'm here now. I'm gonna protect you." he whispered in my ear.

I heard a low growl and suddenly I pulled away from Ryan and into a hard chest. Xavier's chest. I breathed him in and felt myself relaxing.

I don't care if he only now came into my life. One thing I learnt was to never look in the past. That's what I plan not to do.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I only found out about you recently. I watched over you when you were in Black Territory but I didn't see Emilia. I don't know how I didn't sense her. I have a lot to explain but I'm not sure if I should say it in front of some people." he said, looking exactly at Eric with a hard glare.

"Eric, I think you should go for a run because we know how you responded with Anne's new earlier." Damon said calmly.

"What did he do?" This time it was Ryan. Shit! He will kill him if he finds out. I tried to shake my head at Sara silently but she didn't see me.

"He insulted Anne, saying how she's still a fat, ugly whore who killed her parents and more." She said oblivious to the rage in Ryan's eyes.

He instantly had Eric against tthe wall with his hand tightly around his neck. Eric's face turned red as he fought for air.

"You piece of shit! Why the fuck will you do that? She isn't even your fucking sister. I should kill you right fucking now you motherfucker." he screamed in Eric's face. I touched his shoulder while softly saying, "Ryan, come on, I think I taught him his lesson."

He looked at me and nodded. He released Eric and paced the room. Eric looked at me with sad eyes but even though he wasn't my brother, it feels like it because it hurts me so much that he actually thinks so low of me.

"Leave." I dismissed him. My powers seeking through the order. He immediately scurried out the room and we all sat and looked at Ryan. I was sitting on Xavier's lap whereas everyone was sitting opposite us and Ryan was sitting on the armchair to the side.

"Well, first things first, Eric's father is not dead. He is very much alive and planning to avenge you. He's sort of crazy so he thinks you are his daughter although you're not related to him in anyway. He believes you're his daughter, the royalties kidnapped him and let the pack abuse you. He plans to avenge you by wiping out the Night Pack and Black Pack. But Eric is actually his son but from another woman. As for our mother, she fell in love with Alexander White, her mate, also the king of the royals. They made twins together but the princess was hunted so the only way to protect her was to hide her. They sent the princess to the Night Pack when she was a little baby and they told Eric that his mother died giving birth to you. But really his mother is actually with the royals. Most people are hiding with the royals. The princess grew up in the pack with a new father and brother and she was unfortunately mistreated and abused. The King wanted to speak with the man to inform him that the child his wife 'died' for is not his child. They kept him but he eventually escaped and disappeared. Anne, you are the princess and I'm the prince; your twin."

"So you're saying that you and Anne are the royal twins and her mother and father is the King and Queen of the royals and Eric is not related to her because Eric's mother is with the royals but everyone thinks she passed away because of her fake child. Eric's dad thinks Anne is his daughter and he's planning to kill everyone to avenge her abuse because he's crazy."  Chase explained.

Ryan nodded while I let everything sink in. I didn't care about the royals but my parents are alive. My entire life was a lie. I'm feeling sick.

Eric is not related to me. Ryan is my twin brother. I'm the royal princess. My 'dad' is planning to kill my mate and his pack along with my Damon and his pack because he believes I'm his daughter and wants to avenge me.

What a perfect life?

"Why did Eric's mother fake her death if she knew she will have to leave her mate and son?" Tyler asked.

"She was friends with my mother and wanted to help Anne so she did everything possible in order to keep the princess safe." Ryan explained. Well that made sense?

"Who was hunting her?" Xavier asked, his eyes filled with fury and sympathy.

"Hunters. They wanted the princess because the king and queen will do anything to get back their daughter. Like giving up power." Xavier growled even louder at this tiggening his hold on me, "They didn't find the hunters."

Ryan along with everyone else watched me awaiting my response. I was speechless but my angel helped me.

"Well then, they're planning to attack on Full Moon so we have time but we need to train! We need to be introduced by the pack properly because I'm sure you didn't train them properly. We have work to do people but for now, lets get some rest. If its war they want, its war they're gonna get! As for me, don't worry. I'm fine! I've handled worse!"

They nodded and went to their rooms. Well that was easy. It was only Ryan, Xavier and me.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked. I smiled at him and nodded. He looked at me with regret and sympathy swirling around in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier and stop the hell you've been through. Speaking of that, I have to talk to you," he said looking at Xavier, "Rules of being a big brother, you're my baby sister's mate. I have to make sure you're good for her and don't think I don't know about the rejection and how you treated her at first." he said. I laughed and moved to hug him but a growl stopped me.

Xavier wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back into his chest.

"I think that's enough hugging for one day." he growled. Ryan laughed and walked out the house. He's staying in he same house Damon and the rest are staying in.

Xavier lifted me up bridal style and carried me upstairs in a flash. I leaned against him and closed my eyes. This was peaceful. It's what I needed after everything that happened today.

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