Authors Note :)

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Sorry if you thought this was an update and you got disappointed BUT I have good news and bad news.

The bad new is that I'm sorry I'm did not update for so long (22 days). I'm sick and school is tiring me out. My teachers are all PMSing and I want to slap each of them. Very sorry.

The good part is that I partly lied in the bad news because I already wrote all the chapters but I didn't edit them and I dont like to update chapters without editing it. I'm sorry but I won't feel comfortable doing that. And editing is really hard because I have to read over all the shit I wrote and then realized its shit and then write it over and then edit that and finally update. :)

I also need to do home work and practise for my talent show. And I have to work out because my metabolism is VERY SLOW and I get fat really fast so I work out to keep my belly flat. :)

I know. I know. I'm sorry. You didn't ask for my life story. So I'll go now but I'll try to update sooner.


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