Chapter FIVE

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Three years later

"Anne! Come on!" Damon shouted. I locked myself in my room. I couldn't go back there. Why the hell will I go back there?

"I'm not fucking going. Now leave before I burn your ass to death!" I shouted back over the door. I heard him curse loudly and stormed away.

Let me explain. The Black and Night Pack are allies which means they help each other. And whenever something happens, the allies will have to go to their pack to either help them, train them or fight war with them.

The Night Pack is going into war with a group of rouges. They'll like us to help them during the war so less people would die. Damon agreed because if he didn't, then the Night and Black will go into war.

We were supposed to leave today to go to their pack to see how they train and how they plan on winning the war. Damon is carrying his best warriors and of course the beta, TIC, his father, beta female and Luna. I have to go because I'm the best fighter and if anything happens, I'll be there.

Its true though. Over the past three years, all my powers developed which includes: speed, compulsion, moving objects, shields, healing, visions and my black wolf's powers were elements. I got fire and water. We don't know who has the other two but we're looking for him/her because we're more powerful together.

I'm not allowed to shift in front of people or use my powers with people around. Although I use it without anyone knowing it was me except for the people who knows I have the powers. I also have to control my temper bevasue when I get angry, the demon inside me comes out.

For example when Damon's ex-girlfriend tried to seduce him and Sara saw, she came to me crying so I burnt his ex-girlfriend's hair off. You should have seen her! Running around the house screaming, " My hairs on fire!" I died laughing. Sara laughed too but Damon just shook his head although amusement was shining brightly in his eyes.

I used my powers on useful things. Sometimes I bend the rules slightly.

During the last years, I didn't have sex with anyone. Hell, I didn't even kiss anyone. I know its sad but I didn't feel the need to. And I didn't feel the pain of my mate sleeping with someone else so that's a good sign right?

I also made my beautiful little light three months after my eighteenth birthday. She's amazing. I named her Emilia but we call her Emmy.

A slight knock sounded at the door, "We're leaving alright. Emmy is with my wife on the top floor. Shes in good hands. Its your decision if you want to come or not" Scott said behind the door. I guess Damon gave up. I didn't answer although I heard him walk away and the engine started.

"You should go" my angel told me. Yea, I got her last year. She's incredible and fits in well with my wolf and me.

"Listen to her, Anne. You should go. He sounds broken on that phone." my wolf responded. Why are they doing this to me?

"I wasn't there when he rejected us but I need to see him. I'm gonna die if he's not here because the only way for me to mature is to be with my mate."

"Anne, your heat is also very soon. I'm feeling it. And I will die if we don't have mate during heat"

The door opened slightly and Emmy pushed her tiny head in. She's two at the moment. Her birthday is in six months.

"Come on baby. What's up?" I said softly and I put her on my legs while hugging her. My dad was right. Your pup is like your little light.

"Uncle Damon said that they going on a feildtrip but mummy not going" she said cutely. For a two year old, she tries really hard to talk properly.

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