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"Looks like you didn't get rid of all the sluts." I muttered, risking a glance at Tiffany. She was major one with Xavier but she didn't torture me with it like Jessica. Although, she abused me......just not regularly. Once a month probably. Xavier looked at me, "Baby, I got rid of those who failed the training exercises....Tiffany passed." He directed his vision to me, "Although she is a slut, she could actually fight and I only want you."

"Yea....okay." With that, I walked away, not missing the glares Tiffany was sending my way. That rhymes by the way.

"Michael!" I gasped, running up to him. He laughed at my playfulness, "Still short as hell, I see." I glared at him, "Still gay as hell I see."

"That's all there is baby." I laughed and shoved him, walking into the kitchen. No one was there so it was peaceful.

"The fight's tomorrow." He muttered looking down. I sighed, "Yea....Xavier's training them now and informing them of everything that'll happen so they won't be caught off guard." He nodded.

I smirked, "Where's Ryan?" He blushed and avoided eye contact, "Talking to his parents.....I mean your parents." I laughed. Michael was embarrassed about being with his best friends brother but I really don't mind. If anything, they're cute together and I ship them.

"So.....what happened last night?"

" We-umm.... We just talked and um....found out more about each other." I raised my eye brows, "Really? Bec-"

I was interrupted by Ryan walking in the room. He walked straight to Michael and wrapped his arms around his waist, stuffing his head in his neck. Michael blushed but leaned into him.

Ray looked at me for a moment, "Dearest sister....I hope you're not making my mate uncomfortable." He tried to hide his laugh, although his eyes held amusement.

"S-she isn't..." Michael whispered. Ryan looked at him lovingly and pecked his cheek. I smiled softly, "No no dearest brother, I just asked him what you guys did last night after we left."

Like expected, Ryan smirked, "We explored each other last many different ways." He was looking at Michael while saying this. Michael blushed even more if possible. I took that as my cue to leave.

As I walked outside on the training grounds, I instantly noticed Xavier fighting with Tiffany. If you could call it that. Everyone had a partner, why choose her. Is he trying to make me angry? They were standing way to close for my liking.

But I didn't say anything. Like the professional stalker I am, I stood right where I was and watched them.

The graceful way her arms glided across him. The soft words he was saying to her, too quiet I couldn't hear. But the best fucking part was when he straddled her on the ground. Apparently, he won the fight.

Now he's supposed to get the fuck up and walk away but no.....he stayed on top of her, doing God knows what.

She smiled flirtatiously at him. I was one step away from ripping every strand of her fake hair from her fake body with her fake tan and her fake boobs and her fake ass and her fake life!

I closed my eyes trying to calm down. Bubbles of anger swirled inside me. She wasn't allowed to look at what is mine. And he is mine goddammit! What was he doing fighting with her when I specifically told him that I don't like her. And he slept with her many times already. What if he wants to sleep with her again? What if he grew fed up of me?

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